Saturday, November 6, 2021

Featured Model - 11/6/2021, Order of the Thistle

 Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured Model, the weekly blog event where I pick a model I don't own but would like to, give some stats on it and provide commentary about it. This week's model is...Order of the Thistle! 

This handsome boy was a raffle model from Breyerfest 2020. He was item #711385 and was a run of 26 produced on the Hamilton mold sculpted by Jennifer Scott. 

Whew! What a pretty model. He definitely looks good in champagne! I was super sad when I wasn't one of the names drawn for one of these guys last year - and more sad when I saw the prices they were selling for on the secondary market. Maybe they'll come down someday - I hope so, because it hurts not having this guy in my collection. But his other releases are pretty spectacular too, so I'm glad I have those. 

Hamilton is in the regular line now as Marc of Charm, which has been a pretty popular release as far as I know, so he'll probably stay in production for quite a while. I wonder what the likelihood is that he gets a few other releases while the mold is in production? He hasn't had a Breyerfest special run yet (other than this raffle), and Premier molds tend to get those fairly early on, so I'd say he's due. Never mind that he doesn't fit the theme - they'd probably just name him something German and call it a day. Hey, I wouldn't complain...too much. More Hamilton is always a good thing! 

I wouldn't put it past them to give him a web special, also, but I guess that remains to be seen. Or maybe he'll be the 2022 Holiday Horse! Ooh, there's an idea! 

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