Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Tamu and Chai are here!

 Good news, everyone! While I didn't end up getting drawn to purchase the Tamu and Chai set, I was able to snag them from a Blabber for a reasonable price, and they arrived today! Exciting! I haven't bought or been drawn for a web special since February, so I was pretty happy to see these. I wasn't so happy trying to get the box out of my mailbox, though - it barely fit in there. Must have been worth it to the mail carrier not to have to walk up to the house. Anyway, here they are!  

Here's the other side.

They were both pretty nice, and I guess I can see why the price point was so high - they both have pretty complicated paint jobs, and while Tamu has a few small booboos, I didn't see anything wrong with Chai at all. 

I definitely like Tamu better of the two, probably because he'd be a more-or-less realistic color if you took out the stripes. But then you wouldn't have a baby bongo. 

And here's Chai! 

As cute as they are, though, I think I would have preferred Breyer make a baby giraffe and baby okapi to match Nadifa and Kehinde. I mean, unless Breyer comes out with adults for these in the future, they're going to be baby orphans forever. I suppose it's not impossible that they'll get parents in the future, it just doesn't seem likely. But that may be a nit not worth picking. 

Anyway, at least they're in good condition and they're here! I needed a pick-me-up in these trying times. Now let's hope my luck with web specials comes back for the next one, eh? 

1 comment:

  1. Answer imagination with more of it. My pick for the mother of the extravagantly-unusually-striped Tamu is another extravagantly-unusual striped mare: Boudicca.
    Blue bongos anybody?
