Saturday, September 26, 2020

Featured Model - 9/26/2020, Devil's Food

 Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured Model, the weekly blog event where I pick a model I don't own but would like to, give some stats on it and provide commentary about it. This week's model is....Devil's Food! 

This pretty girl was the Breyerfest Overall Grand Champion prize back at Breyerfest 2009. She's item #711449, and was a run of 9 on the Bluegrass Bandit mold sculpted by Kathleen Moody and Sommer Prosser.

While I don't own a Devil's Food, she's one of those ultimate holy grails I can only hope to someday get my hands on. IDYB's photo of her isn't the best, but you can still see those pretty dapples amongst the black. She's stunning, and her name suits her really well! Maybe someday my prince(ss) will come...but until then, I'll have to admire her from afar. I'll admit it's hard to screw up a glossy black paint job - that's another one we don't get very often, for some reason. 

As for Bluegrass Bandit, she's definitely cartoony. But maybe that's why I like her? I've always had a fondness for Disney animated movies, after all. Her latest release was the TSC special run Stella, so she's been used recently enough that I could hope she shows up as a web special. She hasn't been on RR shelves since the Bear run ended in 2013, though, so maybe she'll get another regular run release? She was a web special in 2012 and 2015, so maybe RR is more likely. If not, there's always Breyerfest! 

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