Thursday, June 24, 2021


 Hark -a new release! Alert the Internet! Release the hounds! Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead! 

Sommer knocks it out of the park once again! I love her! Palomino, pinto and glossy to boot? And that intense blue eye? I love it! Please let me buy one? 

From the website:

Artist Sommer Prosser drew on the Meadowlark for inspiration when designing this sweet model’s coat. Meadowlarks are perfectly at home in the quiet of grasslands, meadows, and farm fields, where you can hear their whistling song while they forage for seeds. The female Meadowlark’s coat is more muted in color during the non-breeding season, but retains its gorgeous patterning. 

Definitely more of an inspiration for this one, but I like her anyway. She's a run of 375, so a bit of an increase from 350, so maybe the planets will align and I'll get drawn for one? I hope so! Good luck to everyone entering! 

Also, there's been some speculation that Bluegrass Bandit is this year's surprise model, but I wonder if this knocks her out of contention? I'm sticking with my Forever Saige (preferred) or Desatado (more likely) predictions. 

1 comment:

  1. She’s lovely. Breyer has done a good job with the Birds of a Feather series. All have been exceptionally nice.
