Oooooh! I like them all! And I'm thrilled that they're using the Shire B for this - he hardly ever gets used! From the website (bolded by me):
Everyone’s a winner with this gambler’s choice Web Special! This powerful Classics Shire comes in three striking finishes, each inspired by special releases of the fan-favorite model, Othello! You will randomly receive one of the following Shire models inspired by Silverado, Silver Snow and Pamplemouse (sic):
- Shaded Silver Bay with silver and blue ribbons and bobs
- Silver Filigree with a high gloss finish and red and green ribbons and bobs
- Shaded Palomino Sabino with a high gloss finish and gold and purple bobs and ribbons
But anyway. I love all three of these guys, although the palomino one doesn't look like it quite matches the original Pamplemousse's color. Maybe it'll look better in person. Either way, I want them all! I don't even know which one I like the best - the silver bay, probably, even though silver filigree is supposedly my favorite Breyer colorway. I think it's the bobs - red and green, really? It's not Christmas, you guys.
But I digress. These are randomly shipped and we ordered three of them on our accounts, so with a little bit of luck I'll get all three colors! If not I'll have to find someone to trade with - no biggie. It was refreshing to be able to order these after not one, but two Koh-i-Noor fiascos.
In other news, the Breyerfest Live Show Grand and Reserve prizes were unveiled today - Cloverleaf and Hot to Trot. First, here's Cloverleaf, the Live Show Grand prize!

Next, we have the Live Show Reserve prize - Hot to Trot!

I'm not as disappointed with this one, because I don't collect the mold, fortunately. I'm surprised they used this mold when they're already using it for the glossy Foiled Again release, but they've been on a kick of using less-popular molds for the live show prizes for the past few years - which is good for my bank account, so I'm not going to argue with it. That color is nice, too! His paint job looks like an older style, although that probably wasn't the intent.
I actually did think about trying my hand at showing this year, but then I made a reservation to see the stallions at the Darley at Jonabell farm, and the only available time was Friday afternoon. Maybe next year!
Ooh, and apparently the glossy prizes have been announced (no photos yet): Brunello and Hwin in glossy. Drat! That just makes my Brunello quandary even worse! And Hwin? I want that, too! I must be getting too far ahead of myself in predicting the glossies - they used to use new releases from the same year, but now they've shifted to new releases from the previous year (or older). I guess they couldn't get too predictable.
My last bit of news is that Rialto came today! But I'm going to save his pictures for tomorrow, since this post is getting long. Stay tuned!