Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Blanca, and Slyder!

 Wow, we already have our Breyerfest reveal - say hello to Blanca! 

I must say, Charleston does look mighty handsome in black. I do still have mine languishing on my shelf, where he ended up after various attempts to sell him came up with nothing. He's kept company by the Skye that came with my Single-Day Breyerfest Stablemates from last year. Anyway, Blanca will be awarded to the runners-up in the Best Customs Contest, so needless to say, one of them won't end up in my house by accident. But on to our next reveal, Slyder! 

This is the release that was teased in the Collector Club newsletter at the end of last month, and a lot of people were right - it's the Classic Hollywood Dun It! I've been waiting for this release to come out from pure curiosity about what colors they were going to use - I had no plans to buy any of them, which is good because they were sold out by the time I saw the email about them. That gray is pretty, though! He looks like an old-school smoke colorway. Nice! And I'm intrigued that all three of them are glossy - usually they leave one matte, but not this time. I wonder if more will come in stock later? I still don't plan on buying any, but it seemed like they sold out REALLY fast this time. Good luck if they come back in stock! 


  1. I’m glad I’m not the only one who really likes the gray. Most everyone else wants the buckskin appy & the rest want the sorrel pinto. It’s doesn’t really matter who’s my favorite since I’m not in the CC.

  2. Wow! These guys really sold out fast. I wasn’t really checking my email/looking for this guy on the website because it felt like Notoriously Framed just came out. Would’ve liked to get one, but since it’s a classic I’m not heartbroken. Liked all of these colors!
