Well, Hendrik may have made his appearance early, but this month's Collector Club newsletter is right on schedule for the last day of the month. If you're a Collector Club member, check your email to read it (it may be in your junk mail, FYI). There's a fun article about Breyer anniversaries - I hadn't thought about the fact that this year is 10 years since the Weather Girl treasure hunt. Where does the time go? Ugh, and Wixom and Silver are both 20 years old!
Moving through the article, a tiny part of me is pleased to see them refer to the Black Stallion as "the Black," as it's been a mild source of frustration for me every time I see someone refer to him as The Black. Vindication! And I had not realized the Black Stallion, Smoky and the Stock Horse Stallion were all the same age! Crazy.
In other news, this month's giveaway is a 70th Anniversary Collection Fighting Stallion from last year! Enter for him here.
And lastly, here's our sneak peek for next month:
Based on the "slide" clue, astute people on the Internets have figured out that it's Hollywood Dun It, which indicates that he'll be this year's Collector Club special run on a Classics mold, in the same vein as Nayati, Callahan, etc. He's definitely deserving of some love, considering the mold is 22 years old and has had barely more than a handful of releases in that time. I don't think I've ever owned one of them myself - there was a brief period of time where I wanted to collect him, before deciding I didn't need to expand my horizons that far. So I won't be buying one of these (presuming there's more than one color). Oh well - more for everyone else! And my wallet will thank me.