Saturday, March 27, 2021

Featured Model - 3/27/21, Mini Bourbon Street

 Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured Model, the weekly blog event where I pick a model I don't own but would like to, give some stats on it and provide commentary about it. I haven't covered a Stablemate for a while, so this week's model is...Mini Bourbon Street! 

Mini Bourbon Street doesn't seem to have an item number, but was an edition of 21 on the G4 Andalusian sculpted by Brigitte Eberl. He was a giveaway for the Big Easy Bash collector event back in 2014, but I can't remember the exact circumstances now - I think he was a centerpiece/table model? I don't remember for sure. My husband and I were trying to save for our wedding, so we didn't try to attend the BEB - much to my chagrin when I saw the models afterward. I guess that's how it goes sometimes. 

Anyway, as his name suggests, Mini Bourbon Street is a miniature version of the original Bourbon Street, issued on Legionario, so it's fitting that this model is also doing the Spanish walk. Bourbon Street was a raffle model at the Breyer Premier Event, which was the first Collector Event back in 2002. In those days there weren't any event models or boutique models, or any special run models at all other than the centerpiece giveaway. Both of these events had a Mardi Gras theme, which explains the color scheme on these two models. While I'll admit it isn't my favorite color combination, purple and gold go together reasonably well, and I like this mold anyway, so I wouldn't mind seeing him on my shelves. He'd be pretty expensive, though! Guess I'll have to do what I usually do and admire him from afar. 

As for the G4 Andalusian, he was a pretty hot mold a few years ago, but (as is common) he seems to have cooled down in recent years. He was still being produced with the Groucho Marx eyebrows as of last year, part of the Spirit Riding Free blind bags, but he hasn't had any limited releases for a while. Not that that's a bad thing! I like it when these things are easier to get ahold of. That said, maybe he'll get a Breyerfest release? We still haven't seen the equivalent of this year's pop-up Stablemate, and he's certainly artsy-looking. Maybe he'll show up there? I guess it remains to be seen! 

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