Saturday, March 13, 2021

Featured Model - 3/13/2021, Red Velvet

 Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured Model, the weekly blog event where I pick a model I don't own but would like to, give some stats on it and provide commentary about it. This week's model is...Red Velvet! 

This handsome guy was the Saturday raffle model at Breyerfest back in 2009. He's item #711409 and was a run of 26 on the Andalusian Stallion mold sculpted by Kathleen Moody. 

This is such a nice color on the Moody Andy! Or maybe it's just how blindingly white his whites look in that photo. To be fair, it's hard to screw up a red dun, but he has a lot of depth to his paint job! I really like him. Maybe someday I'll be able to find one for sale for a nice price, but in the meantime I'll have to admire him from afar.

As for the Moody Andalusian, he was part of last year's 70th Anniversary lineup, and the 2019 Breyerfest surprise model before that. Where will we see him next? He's had a large number of releases since his 2004 debut, but somehow he's never been a web special, so I'm going to make that my guess. If I'm right, I hope I can get my hands on one! 

1 comment:

  1. Red velvet is a grail. LOVE HIM! Moody’s Andalusian is my favorite mold. Hands down!
