Wednesday, February 3, 2021

The Birds

 Exciting news, everyone! The first web special of the year has been revealed, along with the web special theme! Birds of a Feather, eh? Does this mean we'll get a set at some point, to represent the proverbial "flocking together" that logically follows? Interesting. Well, anyway, say hello to Puffin: 

I'm not a Wixom collector, though I used to be, and I've never been sad about it until I saw this model. She's stunning! I almost want to buy one, but Wixoms tend to be shelf hogs (which is why I sold off the few I had) so I must resist the temptation! She's a run of 380, too, so Breyer must have decided to increase the run numbers a little to try to compensate for the increased numbers of collectors we've had lately. 

She wants to come to my house...but I have to resist! 

I had to giggle a little bit when I saw the fine print in the email - someone forgot to fill in the piece count, so it reads "limited edition of pieces." One wonders if that means people will just get broken bits of models? Haha. On a happier note, it looks like we only have to enter once for this one, instead of remembering to do it every day. So things will be a little bit easier there. Good luck to everyone who enters! 

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