Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Alejandro is here!

Exciting news today! Thanks to the generosity of a fellow Blabber, I was able to get my hands on an Alejandro! Behold!

For some reason I'd gotten it into my head that he was glossy, so I was a little disappointed to see he's matte. But he does have a little bit of shimmer to his paint, which is nice. And I love his paint job! His flaming mane and tail make an excellent contrast to the rest of his body.

Although I really like the way this guy turned out, I'm disgruntled that his mane braids aren't painted. This makes 3 out of 4 releases with this mane that didn't have the braids painted. If you can't even paint them for a 3,000-piece run (or 1,250, in Dag Dia's case), what's the point of having them? Will they ever be painted again? Just retool them out of the mold and call it a day -- because as it is now, they might as well not even be there. Bleh. Wouldn't turquoise have gone well with his mane color?

Quality-wise he's not bad - his dapples could have been more subtle, and he has a few lint spots here and there. His eyes are weird, though; at first glance, it looks like they're just sloppily painted, but on closer inspection it looks like they tried to outline his eyes with the same black as the rest of the eye and it just looks weird.

All in all, though, he's a worthy addition to the collection - as long as I don't dwell too much on his unpainted braids. We'll forever be wondering what could have been...

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