Thursday, May 23, 2019

Pop-up Store Classic Revealed!

We have our Pop-up Tent classic, and it's...Liam!

Wow, I was right for once! Unfortunately, I'm questioning why they used Liam for a RCMP model, since it's pretty much identical to the Black Beauty release on him from a few years ago...

I'm not usually one to complain when Breyer does the same color multiple times on the same mold, but these two are to be practically indistinguishable from each other. The front sock and star on the Black Beauty are even in the same place! Sheesh. Good thing the RCMP horse has four socks. And since he looks like a mini-me of the Big Ben RCMP model, I wonder if he'll have the glossy maple leaf pattern on his butt? That would be cool!

Either way, I'll be trying to pick this guy up - and how exciting that the RCMP troop is going to be at Breyerfest! I love black horses, so I'll definitely be trying to get photos of them!

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