Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Breyerfest teaser and...Glitter Unicorn Club? Sign me up!

I guess the Lancelot reveal isn't the only exciting news of the day! There's a new teaser on the Breyerfest blog!

Looks like a plush to me - I bet that's black mohair at the top of the image. Whatever it is, it's probably something cute!

In other news, I guess there's going to be a new Breyer club! Check out this teaser:

So, we're getting another Stablemate club? Or maybe the releases are in a variety of scales? Or maybe those are the only two releases - who knows. Maybe it's like the Kid's Club and those are the only releases. In any case, it looks like we're getting a Stablemate version of Firebird...or is it Oberon? They aren't the same sculpt, are they? I'm a little fuzzy there. Here are the originals for comparison:

Now that I look at Firebird/Oberon, it looks like the new one is mirrored the other direction! It also doesn't look like the sculpt shrunk down very well, sadly. Those legs look a tad noodly...

As for the actual club, I was never a fan of Firebird  - so at least I won't need that release - but that Alborozo is another story. I wonder why both releases are the same color? I've never been a big fan of pink, but at least it's a light pink. I'm not big on the glitter-encrusted manes and tails, either. I think a nice application of "less is more" would have worked better there. Hopefully they at least don't shed the glitter.

Anyway, I hope we don't have to wait too long to find out about the new teaser or this new club! And I also hope Breyer eventually gets around to converting some old porcelains to Stablemates that I actually like...like Chesterfield (okay, he was a resin, but you get my drift) or the Shire Mare, or even the old Icelandic, or...HAMBLETONIAN! They used him as the Breyerfest crystal last year - doesn't that mean he could be used for something else?! Ooh, the old circus ponies (sans tack) would be cute Stablemates too! Make it happen, Breyer!

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