Saturday, March 26, 2022

Featured Model - 3/26/2022, Decorator April Fool Khemosausages

  Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured Model, the weekly blog event where I pick a model that I don't own but has an interesting history behind it, give some stats on it and provide commentary on it. This week's models are...the April Fool's decorator set of Khemosabis! Behold the awesomeness:

They were produced on the rather infamous Khemosabi mold sculpted by Pam Talley Stoneburner, and were sold as a set at the Breyerfest silent auction in 2014, selling for the princely sum of $2,000. So, $500 each. Seemed about right at the time, but who knows...with today's prices, even these guys would probably sell for an eye-popping amount. 

So what's the story behind the decorator Khemos? They were the focus of a truly epic April Fool's joke in 2014. Breyer posted this photo and jokingly announced that these would be the surprise model at that year's Breyerfest. Everyone (well, almost everyone) had a good laugh about the ridiculous notion that they could possibly be the surprise model (still a bit of a silly notion now - it would probably be the first time in history that almost no surprise models sold at all). After the joke was revealed (APRIL FOOL!), the four sad decorators faded into history - until they showed up at the Breyerfest 2014 silent auction. To be fair, Khemosabi tests are really, really rare, so if you're into collecting those rarities, they might just be somewhere near the top of the heap - but I was perfectly happy to ogle them from a safe distance that year. 

As for poor unloved Khemosabi himself, he's only had three attainable releases since his debut in 1990, and three test models other than the above set, so it's probably safe to say he won't have a new release anytime soon. Now, to be fair - I do like his head and neck, and maybe the shoulder area there (looking at the wedgewood one above). The rest of it though...ehh. I'll also admit that I wanted a Khemosabi when I was a small child, so he clearly did appeal to a few people. Maybe if they gave him a flashy enough paint job, it'd hide all his flaws? Something like Auld Lang Syne, or perhaps one of the coveted rainbow paint jobs? Rainbow, my only weakness! I don't remember if any Khemo tests popped up in last year's Breyerfest broadcast - I hope they go back this year so I can watch for them. There's gotta be at least one, right? 


  1. He'd make a nice drastic custom to a western pleasure stallion. I'm thinking bay pinto or chestnut pintaloosa... so many possibilities!

  2. At BF that year the Khemos were just sitting on the table in the silent auction booth & some little kid grabbed one & began playing with it. Said kid managed to rub & scuff it up before the volunteer at the booth could get the parent to return it from the kid. The gal who had the winning bid had to wait several weeks to actually get the full set since the damaged one was taken back to NJ for restoration. That kid is also why all the Silent Auction items are now displayed in cases.

    1. Wow, I was there that year but never heard about that. Thanks for the info!
