Monday, December 30, 2019


So there's a teaser photo of one of next year's Premier Club releases floating around; that's definitely a spotty butt!

I hope it's a really nice blanket or extended blanket Appaloosa! Will it be the Fraley sculpt? There's speculation online that hers might be a mule, which I'm apprehensive about. I'm not really into either of the Breyer mules, so that doesn't bode well for any potential mule. I guess I have plenty of time to think about it, anyway.

There's also a rumor going around that one of the guest horses (and store special models) at next year's Breyerfest will be WGC Marc of Charm, who (according to a Blabber) served as a model for the Hamilton sculpt - so this theoretical store special would be on Hamilton, natch. Here's a photo of the real horse:

Marc Of Charm

Yeah, that's a pretty close match to Hamilton. Can't wait to get his model! I'm sure it'll be stunning.

Editing to add: I forgot to mention Breyer posted a blurb on Instagram about the new mold for the 2020 Stablemates club. It's a stock horse sculpted by Maggie Bennett! The post originally said the paint job was designed by Karen Zorn, but that's since been removed, so who knows what's going on there. Anyway, exciting! Now if we could only see a photo of it...

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