Wednesday, December 25, 2019


Well, I hope we've all been good boys and girls, because there are plenty of this year's Christmas surprise to go around!

 That's right - we finally get candy cane zebras! Took them long enough. And there's an added treat - they're doing the Coal thing again, but with the Zebra this time! There are 500 of each regular color, and only 12 black Coals! I have to say, the Zebra looks pretty cool in glossy black:

Naturally, the blue one is my favorite, followed by the green, red, and gold (why gold? When has anyone ever seen a gold candy cane? Well, I guess butterscotch comes pretty close), and I ordered 3 of them, so I'll probably get three gold ones. I could probably find a fourth if I really wanted to, but the price point on these is, well, a bit higher than I'd have wanted ($95 would have been a much better price, considering the Zebra's small size and the number of each color), so I figure I'll be able to find whatever color I don't get without much trouble later on. And considering this special run has been on the website for almost 10 hours without selling out yet, I might even be able to get the last one on sale later on!

I do think it's really great they finally used the Zebra in this color pattern, though! And it makes me wonder if the Zebra is going to be used for something else later on? I hope so!

Merry Christmas, everyone! May we all enjoy our shiny candy zebras!


  1. If you get a gold one, I’ll buy it from you! The gold one is actually my favorite!

    1. Oh, I'll definitely keep the gold one if I get it. Sorry to give the wrong impressioN!

  2. Lol! That’s okay! I understand! They are all absolutely amazing!
