This guy was one of my purchases from last year's Collector Appreciation event, and I don't think I've talked about him much since then, so I figured I'd feature him now. He's item #62203 on the brand new Rearing Mustang mold sculpted by Maggie Bennett.
I liked this model the instant I saw him, because he's like a budget version of Wahoo. Too bad Stone beat Breyer to the punch on that one. Anyway, according to Breyer, this is also the first Breyer model to be digitally sculpted. I wonder if we'll see more of that in the future? Who knows. And blue roan is a fitting color for a Mustang - there are a lot of roan Mustangs out there, and I love roans! Too bad he doesn't have a little more detail, like some corn spots and things of that nature.
As for the mold himself, I think there's a fairly good chance he'll be used at Breyerfest this year in some capacity (if he doesn't get shoved out by the new Brabant). If not, he'd make a good Halloween-themed release as well. Maybe as the Headless Horseman's horse? He's a little too new to show up as this year's gambler's choice Classic, but you never know. I don't think he's been retired from the regular line yet, so he could really show up anywhere. I guess we'll find out eventually!