Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Klaus and Jujube are here!

Good news, everyone! My Klaus model (well, models) arrived a few days ago, and Jujube came today! I'll start with Klaus's handsome self:

I almost wish they'd made him glossy, or done half-and-half, but then he'd have been even more similar to Wolfgang, so I can see why they left it off.

He's definitely a cutie, though! He'll look good on the shelf next to Darwin and Mini Allegro.

Quality-wise, he's great! I didn't see anything majorly wrong with him. I love the swirl of spots on his flanks area - makes him look more realistic that way. I do wish his eyes had been a little more detailed, but I guess we can't have everything.

Here's a look at the back of his box:

If they're going to insist on using these boxes, they could at least use photos from the current year's club. But then, I'd rather see them use the satin bags from before. Get off my lawn, and all that. At least the first year of the boxes had a whiteware preview of the new mold! No such luck this time.

Next, let's take a look at Jujube!

She's beautiful!

I love the contrast of the non-pearly parts of her mane vs. the pearly parts. There's been a lot of talk on Blab that she's like a cross between a decorator and a realistic color. I'm not sure if that was on purpose or not, but I'm definitely down for more of those types of crosses.

I love her blue eye! I almost wish the other one was visible so it could be blue, too, but then again - we could have ended up with this disaster (the eye on that side is mostly covered by mane, so they painted on a black dot where it should have been). No thanks!

I didn't see many quality issues, other than these dapples (par for the course) and the mane color ending up halfway up her right ear due to a masking issue. Nothing worth griping over, really. She's so pretty! I can't wait to shelve her with my other Emmas. I hope they use the mold again in the future - maybe at Breyerfest? Let's hope so!


  1. My biggest complaint about Klaus is the switch from the squarish brown mailers to the white horse-print mailers. Mostly because those brown ones are proven to be sturdy, and the white mailers have always felt flimsy to me.

    1. Yes! I would have preferred the old boxes as well. We need fewer of the flimsy white boxes, not more!
