Friday, February 28, 2020

Gotta collect 'em all!

Greetings, readers! The highly anticipated Friday reveal is finally here - observe!

Othello - my favorite mold! Gasp! And he's beautiful! Sheesh, and I thought it would be hard to get ahold of Oak. I think this guy is now the front-runner for most popular special run! We still have a few more reveals, though, so I have a feeling he may be usurped by something even more amazing.

This also knocks out Othello as the surprise model (not that I was nervous about that or anything...) and as something horrible like a live show prize or glossy prize. Woohoo! And since he's being advertised as glossy from the start, I doubt he'll turn out to be a half matte/half glossy release.

From the blog:

 Considered sacred and referenced often in Celtic mythology, figuring particularly prominently in the Celtic and North Germanic creation myths, ash trees are also part of a magical trilogy of trees associated with fairy lore. Ash trees were so revered in Ireland that even in times of strife, people refused to cut them down for firewood – except to be used in the sacred fired during Beltane celebrations in the spring.  Both Oak and Ash trees are closely related to kingship and considered sources of ancient wisdom. 

Apparently the third tree in the "tree trilogy" is the hawthorn. Interesting - I wonder if we'll get a third tree-themed special run? They used the Hawthorn name already with the woodgrain pig a while back, so I'm wondering why they didn't mention the third tree if they weren't going to use it for something. Maybe they'll spell it Hawthorne instead? I guess we'll find out. 

As for Ash himself, while the blog explained the meaning of his name, "Gotta catch 'em all!" was the first thing I thought of when I saw it. I guess that's what happens when you grow up in the '90s.

In other news, tomorrow (2/29) is the deadline for Breyerfest volunteer applications, so if you haven't gotten that done yet, make sure you get them submitted (and/or postmarked) by tomorrow! I did end up submitting an application after all, so I'm crossing my fingers I get picked! 

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