Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Too Obvious, and Beau

The second single-day Stablemate has been revealed, and it's Toe Tapper!

Now, don't get me wrong; Boot Scootin Boogie has a beautiful paint job. But I didn't want to speculate that they'd use his color on the Brishen mold's mini doppelganger, because it was just too obvious, and Breyer doesn't usually do obvious. They must not have been able to resist, and it's not like they've ever done this before - we haven't seen the Mini Alborozo or Mini Magnolia released in the same colors as their Trad counterparts yet.

That said, I'll definitely be trying to get my hands on this guy - and the way things are going, I might just break down and buy four single-day tickets so I can get the ones I want. It's not like it'll be hard to sell the Magnolia, anyway, and every time I look at that new warmblood mold I want it a little more.

In other news, we've finally found out the results of the My Strongest Suit vote from Breyerfest last year! Check out Beau!

So the dapple gray prevailed after all - and he's being released in the loose and braided versions! Ugh, that braided one looks really nice...but I can't start another conga! I just can't!

Like the rest of the world, I'm wondering why Breyer is releasing yet another product when it seems they have yet to straighten out the trainwreck that is their warehouse move, but I guess I'm not the one in charge of produced releases over there. Hopefully they get things fixed soon!

I wonder what'll happen to the other three tests of this guy? I bet at least one of them will be in this year's silent auction. I guess we'll find out soon!

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