Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Happy Kamper Classic show report

 Greetings, readers! Well, it looks like things are shaping up to be a slow news month after all. But that's a good thing, because I'm in the process of revamping my show string for the next show I'm attending. But more on that later. I attended the Happy Kamper Classic live show this past Saturday, and here's my show report! Sorry for not mentioning it ahead of time - I meant to, but was just too busy getting ready to make a post about it. 

Anyway, it was a long day - I had to get up at 4:45AM to start the 2.5-hour drive to the venue, but I made it in plenty of time to get my show string set up before classes started at 8am. And this time I brought Geralt and Roach! 

So the show commenced. I didn't know anyone else there, so it was a little awkward, but it was nice chatting with the people at the table next to mine. And the tables were huge! I didn't have any trouble fitting all my models on it, which was nice. 

So, as the day progressed, I started racking up placings...

And more placings...

And I even participated in one of the fun classes! 

That's my Zeitgeist on the far left, competing in the Goth class. Alas, I didn’t win this one, but the winner totally deserved it - it was a Stone Pebbles rearing stallion (Wahoo) painted like Dracula. I mean, you can't get much more goth than that. 

Anyway, the show wrapped up around 7 that night, and then I had to make the 2.5-hour drive back home, so it was a super long day for me. But here's the results of my day! 

Not bad for a hard day's work. I even managed to "taste the rainbow" and take home at least one ribbon from 1st-6th for both breed and collectibility. Amusingly, my Via Lattea placed fourth in breed again, same as at Bluegrass Live. I'm going to keep showing her and see if she can get a higher placing eventually. 

Needless to say, I'm super excited for my next show! I'll be attending Hard Knox Live on 9/28. Most of the OF Breyers aren't being judged for collectibility, so I'm working on redoing my show string and putting a little more thought into my breed assignments. Only a little, though. Stop by my table and say hi if you're at the show! If you find Geralt, you've probably found me (but if you find Narnia, you've gone too far and I can't help you. Take me with you!). 

That's it for today - now PLEASE BREYER, I'M BEGGING YOU, CAN WE HAVE SOME NEWS? This dry spell is killing me! 

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