Saturday, September 7, 2024

Featured JAH - 9/7/2024, Nov/Dec 2002

 Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured Model! This week's issue is Nov/Dec 2002, bringing us to the end of 2002. Let's get started! 

On the front cover, a horse looks pretty in the snow. On the back cover, we get a photo of JAH special run First Frost! I did buy this guy back in the day. You had to order these quick before they all sold out, but I feel like this one may not have sold out right away. Anyway, I did end up selling him years later. 

In the Editor's Desk, Stephanie recaps the year and teases a facelift for the Breyer website (the first of many), and also an update for JAH. On page 3 is a news roundup. 

On page 4-5 is an article about Nevada Joe Sterling, the real horse behind the 2002 TSC special run model. 

On page 6 we have an Artist's Eye column from Tom Bainbridge, and on page 7 is Letters to the Editor. 

On page 8-9 we have an article about insuring collections. I use CollectInsure for my collection, for what it's worth.

On page 12 we have the reveal of the Phoenix Rising model, a tribute to the September 11 attacks. The order form for First Frost was on the opposite page, but it's missing, so instead there's an AQHA ad there instead. 

On page 16-17 we have an article about carousels. 

The carousel article continues on pages 18-19. 

After skipping an article about POAs, in this week's centerfold is the JAH special run First Frost. You know, they could have used a photo from another angle for the back cover, instead of repeating the exact same one. Oh well. 

After skipping an article about tackmaking, a column by a collector sending her daughter off to college, Collector's Corner and Horse Trader (hanging on at 3 pages long), on page 35 is the rest of the carousel article, as well as the rest of the Phoenix Rising article. The rest of the tackmacking article was on page 34, cropped out. 

On page 36 is the rest of the insurance article, and on page 37 is the conclusion to the Nevada Joe Sterling article. 

After skipping Breyer jr., on page 40-41 we have another Breyer Scrapbook, featuring photos from the various Tour events in 2002. 

After skipping the rest of the POA article, on page 43 we come to this week's Vintage Point article, featuring the Pony of the Americas mold. 

On page 44-45 is the rest of the Vintage Point article, and with that we've reached the end of 2002 and the end of an era with JAH. Check back next week to see the magazine redesign for 2003 and onward! 

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