Thursday, September 12, 2024

Finally, something to post about!

 Wow, I finally have something new to post about on the Breyer front! Collector Club members can enter for a chance to purchase a new (old) test run model

If you're a Collector Club member, check your email for more information. It's a palomino Classic Andalusian Stallion! From the webpage:

 The Andalusian Stallion (mold #3060ST), sculpted by Chris Hess, captures this romantic Spanish breed with a billowing mane and tail and timeless elegance. The actual production tool is in delicate condition and used sparingly if at all today.  One colorway that he was never released in is this golden palomino with one hind sock and a wide blaze – this piece likely dates to the late 1990s or early 2000s and was ultimately never used.

Huh. They don't usually give us updates on the condition of their molds, but come to think of it, we haven't seen a new release on this mold for a while. Going by IDYB, it hasn't been used since 2014. I guess this explains it! The model itself is kinda blah to me, but would make a nice addition to any vintage collector's...collection. He's $800, which is a bit steep for a Classic, but probably in line with other Classic tests (which we almost never see for some reason). Members have until 9/15 to enter for him, so don't miss out!  

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