Sunday, July 25, 2021

Featured Model - 7/25/2021, Deluxe Kid's Club Liam

 Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured Model, the weekly blog event where I pick a model I don't own but would like to, give some stats on it and provide commentary about it. This week's model is...the Deluxe Kid's Club Liam! 

Not quite as rare as the past selections I've made, but still one I'm looking for nonetheless. I had thought this was the Deluxe Kid's Club model for this year, but recently I've seen posts about a new Kid's Club model on the Classic Morgan Mare mold, which made me realize that this Liam was the Deluxe Kid's Club model from last year and I never got around to buying it. D'oh! 

So, I don't know how many of these were made, but he's item #712347 on the Liam/Sir Buckingham mold sculpted by Sommer Prosser. 

I'm not sure how this model slipped under my radar so completely - I was aware of his existence, but I guess buying a Deluxe Kid's Club membership for him must have been such a low priority I kept putting it off for a whole year. Needless to say, I'm definitely looking to purchase one, since there don't seem to be any on eBay. Hook me up if you know of any for sale! I'm definitely kicking myself over this one. He's such a nice color, too! 

As for Liam himself, he's in the current line as the Le Mer unicorn, so it's hard to say where we'll see him next. Maybe this year's Halloween Classic, if we get one of those? 

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