Saturday, May 18, 2024

Featured JAH - 5/18/2024, May/June 2000

 Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured JAH! This week's issue is May/June 2000 - which fits perfectly with today's date! So let's get going! 

On the front cover, intrepid steeplechaser Lonesome Glory takes a fence. On the back cover is a cute photo of Leahs Fancy Chick and her filly, and a reveal of the filly's model! 

In the Editor's Desk (when did it get renamed to Editor's Column?) Stephanie introduces some new additions to the Breyer team, including Sheryl Leisure, Julie Butler and Paula Jensen. On page 3 is the first part of an article about Breyer portrait horse Shy Boy. 

On page 4-5 is the rest of the article about Shy Boy. As far as I can tell, Shy Boy is still alive as of this video from 2022. Monty Roberts's website also has a "See Shy Boy" section. If indeed still alive, he'll turn 31 in June. I always loved the photo of him galloping in the article - Breyer needs a mold like that. I don't remember if I wanted the Shy Boy model, but I probably did. 

On page 6-7 is an article about another Breyer portrait horse, Nautical. Though it's not mentioned in the article, Nautical died in 1967 or 1968


On page 8-9 is an article about various people's first Breyer horse, although the only person whose full name is given is the then-governor of New Jersey, Christie Whitman. 

After skipping an article about Australian horse breeds, on page 12 is a contest to design the 2001 Breyer Tour model, and on page 13 is the reveal of the new Lonesome Glory mold and first part of the article about him. 

On page 14-15 is the rest of the article about Lonesome Glory. Lonesome Glory died in 2002 after a paddock accident, but I think he got a death notice in JAH later on. 

After skipping a Breyerfest update, an article about burros and the 2000 mid-year releases, on page 22-23 is Nancy Young's article about Breyer in the 1960s. 

On page 23-24 is the rest of the Nancy Young article.

After skipping a judge's clinic and most of Horse Trader, on page 35 we find...the introduction of Pal O' Mine, the Breyer mascot. I've always found Pal O'Mine to be a bit creepy, so we generally avoid him whenever we see him at Breyerfest. Come to think of it, has he even been at the last few Breyerfests? I don't remember seeing him. Not that I'd be sad if he went away forever. I've always felt bad for whichever poor person (or people) who has to wear that costume in the Kentucky heat, and how bad it must smell after 24 years...

After skipping some more Breyer jr. stuff, on page 38 we have a Blast From the Past featuring old booklets included with some portrait models in the '70s, and a Just About...Breyer Animals featuring the Charolais Bull. On page 39 is the first part of the Vintage Point article for this issue, this time featuring Morganglanz. 

On page 40 is the rest of the Vintage Point article, and with the photos of Morganglanz on the last page, that brings us to the end of this week's issue! Check back next week for July/Aug 2000! 

1 comment:

  1. Lol, it's hard to believe Pal has been around that long! Pal is absolutely still part of BreyerFest — he looked great in lederhosen! I too feel for whoever has to don that getup in the heat. And I'm SURE Breyer has the costume professionally cleaned...
