Whew, I was not intending that break from posting to be nearly as long as it was, or very long at all...but there really hasn't been much of anything new to post about. Except that group of sample web specials that Breyer auctioned off on eBay a couple weeks ago. And the Premier Club and Vintage Club welcome letters are going out! I've been meaning to write this post for the last two or three days, but kept getting interrupted. Anyway, here's my Premier Club letter and goodies:
It's cool that they send out the frameable prints and all, but I kinda wish they wouldn't put the Breyer logo on them. It's a bit distracting...but anyways. One of these days I need to find a frame for my Altynai print - he's been the only one I actually wanted to frame. The others are kicking around here somewhere.
The letter doesn't have much we didn't already know, except definite confirmation that we're finally getting a new draft foal this year. Woohoo! The other bit of news is that the freebie Stablemate this year is a mini version of Zafirah, which...doesn't excite me much. Maybe I can trade her for something else? Let's hope so. Speaking of something else...
Vintage Club welcome letters are also out in the wild, but I'm not in the club, so I don't have one to show here. Apparently the other releases are a "feisty" gambler's choice assortment and a "black tie affair." Sure would be nice if they could just SHOW US THE MODELS like they used to...but I'm going to start sounding like a broken record if I keep harping on that. Feisty suggests something rearing, and we haven't seen a modern mold in this year's lineup yet, so...perhaps Silver? I really hope not, because it's a gambler's choice and Silver tends to be a spendy mold. Which reminds me...the releases we've seen so far are Go Figure, the gold and
bay chestnut Secretariat, and the music box Fury, which hasn't been released yet (presumably he's next). Feisty gambler's choice must be the fourth release (of four total releases), so the black tie affair must be the optional model? No idea what it could be. Breyer did do a three-piece set called
Black Tie Affair almost 20 years ago (gulp), so maybe it's something in that black blanket Appaloosa color? Too vague to tell.
The letter closes with mentioning this year's VC Stablemate, which is being done on their "leaping Lipizzan" in the line currently, unless you count Darwin, who...isn't really leaping (he's performing the
pesade). But he'd be the most logical choice, except...they're introducing something that looks a lot like a leaping Lipizzan in the Stablemates Club this year. If we remember this image...
Insert more grumbling about JUST SHOWING US THE MODELS here. Anyway...this model, while still not leaping, at least somewhat looks more like it's leaping than Darwin does. Maybe this will be the Vintage Club Stablemate as well? I guess it's a pretty long shot unless they're banking on the Stablemates Club release really, definitely being able to be released first, because the email does say Stablemates Club members will be the first to own this new sculpture. But I don't really want the VC Stablemate to be Darwin, so I'm going to grasp at all the straws I can here. Hmm, maybe I can trade my mini Zafirah for the VC one if it is Darwin? I'm going to bank on that.