Saturday, May 1, 2021

Featured Model - 5/1/2021, Hermes

 Hello and welcome to Featured Model, the weekly blog event where I pick a model I don't own but would like to, give some stats on it and provide commentary about it. This week's model is...Hermes! 

75 of these beauties were made back in 2011 for an ASPCA fundraiser. Donors of at least $100 received a Hermes as thanks. He was issued on the Rearing Andalusian mold sculpted by Jane Lunger. 

Hermes is certainly a rare fellow - I very rarely see them up for sale. It's funny how things change - I never would have spent $100 on a Stablemate back in 2011...but now, for a run of 75, I might just consider it. Doesn't seem likely that they'll do another release similar to this one anytime soon, but you never know. 

The Rearing Andalusian is a popular mold, but he hasn't had a special run for a few years, and his last regular run appearance ended in 2019. Will he get a new release soon? I sure hope so! Since we still haven't seen this year's Limited Edition Stablemate for Breyerfest, maybe he's it? I'm not sure where else he could show up in the near future. unless they do a Stablemates mid-year release - are those a thing? Maybe one of the blind bag things they do at the end of the year? Ugh, I hope not. But I do hope we get a new Rearing Andalusian soon! 


  1. The kicker was...even if you donated $100 you were not guarenteed the model! I remember seeing the announcement and was all ready to make the donation until I read the fine print. Nope just donated $10. I think a lot of people didn't go for it because a bunch apparently showed up at BF store then.

    1. Ooh, I had forgotten about that - maybe that's why I didn't try to get one.
