Thursday, November 17, 2022

Official reveal of Kit, and new arrivals!

 More exciting news today, everyone - we have an official reveal of Kit, the final release in this year's Stablemates Club! 

Very nice, though I don't really think the mold resembles a Haflinger very much - looks more like some kind of draft to me. I kinda want to see one next to another Stablemates mold to see how they compare, size-wise. I do like him though, especially his head and neck. Can't wait for him to be released! Looks like Breyer hopes to release him in early December, along with the bonus Stablemate for this year (Helios), so their shipping must have gotten back on track - at least, for the Stablemates Club. I guess we'll see if that happens or not. 

In other exciting news, I had an exciting pony arrival day today! First up, my Deluxe Stablemates Club model, Ellington:

What a handsome boy.

Very few flaws to speak of too, which was nice. He does have a spot on his belly that looks...overly red, for lack of a better description:

But he's still a pretty nice model, and I was happy to see he came in the satin bag again like usual. I wish the Stablemates Club would go back to those, honestly. 

Next, my Kalahari arrived today as well! 

Certainly a striking paint job! 

He leaves a bit to be desired in the quality department, however:

He's got something weird going on with the paint on his butt just above the flipped part of the tail, and the tail itself is a little weird where it attaches to the model. 

His left front hoof seems oddly sunken all the way around, and since my other Marwari models are in storage, I can't compare models to see if they're all like that. I feel like I would have noticed it if they were? But maybe not. 

He's also got some eye-colored paint underneath his eye and numerous small flaws in other places, but honestly...I've seen worse ones on Facebook, including one where the tail wasn't even attached to the hindquarters, so I guess I'll just put this one in storage with the others and be done with it. 

I also got my second Atli today and it was another chestnut, which is looking like the least desirable color (and hardest to trade), so the less said about that, the better.

So it was a pretty good mail day overall - let's hope we get some more fun reveals tomorrow! 

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