Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Official reveals and Breyerwest 2023 signups!

Greetings, readers! I'm excited to say we have official reveals of the Giorgio Stablemate and Poppy and Ollie sets from Breyer! It's good to have some better-quality photos. First, Giorgio:

He's really nice! Looking forward to getting mine whenever my Anamar arrives. The Premier Club blog says they expect these to ship early next month, so let's hope that time frame is accurate.

Next, here's Poppy and Ollie! 

So they are all glossy. Cool! The three colors are as follows: dappled primitive bay, alabaster-inspired perlino and shaded chalky palomino. I hope I can get all three - they look really nice. Primitive bay is one of my least favorite horse colors, but it doesn't look too bad on these two. Though the "alabaster-inspired perlino" is a little groan-worthy - they should have just done a straight alabaster and called it a day. And as I previously mentioned, the palominos look like that auction set from a few years ago. I hope I can get all three! I have tentatively managed to secure three sets, so let's hope I can get all three colors with a minimum of trading afterwards.

Lastly, signups for Breyerwest 2023 are now available, though I believe the live show and swap meet are already sold out. You can still get a glossy Chardonnay, though! 

He has to be picked up by the same person that ordered him, though, so plan accordingly. 

That's all I have for today - let's hope we get more exciting reveals tomorrow! 


  1. The header says BreyerFEST & I became very confused and/or panicked for a second there...
