Saturday, September 4, 2021

Featured Model - 9/4/2021, Fields of Heather

 Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured Model, the weekly blog event where I pick a model I don't own but would like to, give some stats on it and provide commentary about it. This week's model is...Fields of Heather! 

This model was a run of 26. He's item #711386 and was produced on the Altynai mold sculpted by Heather Puleo. He was a raffle model for Breyerfest 2020. 

Altynai has been having a good year, huh? Not only did he get that beautiful Uffington release, he got the mini-release of 200 holographic black Uffingtons mixed into the run, and he still seems in high demand - looks like the sale prices now are hovering around the $1300 mark. Let's hope they keep going down, because there's no way I'm paying that much for a run of 200, no matter how much I like him! Must have that holographic...But anyway. I saw a post from Karen Gerhardt (sculptor and former Breyer employee who designed many paintjobs for the company) saying that the reason they never did more holographic models was because the paint was too expensive. Presumably the price has come down enough now for them to do that 200-piece run - and maybe there'll be more in the future? I guess we'll see. 

Anyway, I'd dearly love to add this spotted longboi and the holographic one to my collection someday, but with the prices being as crazy as they currently are, I don't see that happening anytime soon. So where will we see the mold next? He's now had the obligatory Premier Club-Raffle model-Breyerfest special run release schedule, so maybe we'll get a regular run next year? I wouldn't mind seeing that just to see the spectacularly long boxes they'll have to put them in. And maybe they'll release him with a roached mane? The auction model from this past Breyerfest looked pretty cool, so I think it's reasonably likely we'll see a wider release of that in the future. I don't see him being a web special anytime soon, since they tend to use slightly older molds for that, but you never know. Maybe they'll do something crazy and make him next year's Holiday Horse? They might be able to come up with something Turkish-inspired for a costume. Hey, it's an idea, anyway! 

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