Saturday, September 11, 2021

Featured Model - 9/11/2021, Avalon

 Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured Model, the weekly blog event where I pick a model I don't own but would like to, give some stats on it and provide commentary about it. This week's model is...Avalon! 

This handsome guy, technically a resin, was an edition of 125. He's item #711138 and was a new sculpture, used for the first and (so far) only time at Breyerfest 2011. IDYB doesn't have a record of who sculpted him, but to my untrained eye he sort of looks like a Sifton piece. 

While I wasn't terribly crazy about any of the three new resins introduced at that year's Breyerfest, Avalon is probably the only one of the three I'd add to my collection if he were released in plastic. Prince Charming's proportions just look goofy to me and Sorceror's Apprentice is just...nah. That's a handsome shade of chestnut on Avalon too, and I like that his tail isn't banged. That's one sporthorse trend I wish would just go away already. 

So, since Prince Charming has made his debut as a Stablemate, will Avalon and Sorceror's Apprentice follow along soon? And why haven't any of them been produced in a larger scale? Did Breyer have some kind of agreement with those artists as well? Seems a bit odd to go to the trouble of making those molds to only use them once. I wouldn't mind getting Avalon in any scale, though I suppose I'd prefer him as a Traditional. But if Breyer wants to shrink him into a Stablemate, I wouldn't complain about that either! Just don't make him a bunch of rare and super-rare chase models right off the bat, like they did with Prince Charming! 


  1. You’re right… Prince Charming’s head is just slightly too big!

  2. I had a chance to buy all 3 at BF but only bought home Avalon, who I love. Prince Charming look awkward in his gait & I didn’t know what make of Sorcerer’s Apprentice with his tiny head & neck set too far back on his shoulders.
    Avalon is supposed to be a TB but I’ve had much better luck showing him as a young Trakehner.
