Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Last-Minute Reveals

 Well, if you haven't joined the Premier Club yet, there's still a couple of hours left to join. Breyer graced us with some new photos of next year's offerings, including a group photo: 

They certainly make a nice-looking group, don't they? Too bad we don't get a sneak peek of the Stablemate, but it doesn't look like they're going to reveal that. Anyway, here's a dapple shot of the glossy Cosimo:

He looks really nice! And here's a shot of the hairy/stallion version of Rowan's other side:

His soft color kinda reminds me of Rhian and Cadell. He'd make a good stallion for them! 

Somewhere there's a photo of Cosimo's off side, but I can't find it now. I don't like him as much from that angle, though, so I'm not too upset. 

In other news, we got another silhouette on the Breyerfest Blog

Well, looks like we're staying at 3/4, because I don't collect the Indian Pony. I still think these silhouettes are most likely the single-day Stablemates. They did say they'll be revealed tomorrow, though, so I'm excited for that! And for the New Year, naturally. Happy New Year, everyone! And don't forget to join the various clubs, if you're so inclined. 

Monday, December 30, 2024

I Should Have Known

 Well, in the most exciting news development of the day, it seems poor Winnifred had a surprise for us after all: 

According to the website, randomly-distributed amongst the Winnifred production run will be 75 gray Winnifreds! What a shocker. But I should have suspected they would do something with Winnifred, since they're going all out with the other two releases in the club. I signed up for two memberships last night, too. So I'm going to have to decide if I want to try to presell my two Winnifreds or wait until they get here and then sell them once I see if I got a gray one or not. Decisions, decisions. If this is what they're doing with the Premier Club for the 75th anniversary, I'm really regretting not joining the Vintage Club...but anyway. 

Today's other news is another hint on the Breyerfest Blog! 

It's a Mirado! I'm still pretty sure these are the single-day Stablemates. We're sitting at 3/4 so far. Presumably they'll hint another one tomorrow and then do the reveal on Wednesday? Think they'll pick a fourth mold I collect? Guess I should expect it after not wanting any of them at the last one. Well, we'll find out soon enough! 

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Featured JAH - 12/28/2024, July/Aug 2005

 Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured JAH! I hope everyone had a good Christmas. We're covering July/Aug 2005 this week, so let's get started! 

On the front cover, a knight in shining armor rides his horse.

Normally I skip the inside cover, but I had to scan this one because it's the rare, coveted Red Rum! Still hard to find to this day. Wait - maybe I'm getting him confused with Phar Lap. I never managed to get either one when I still collected Lonesome Glory, so who knows. 

In the Editor's Desk, Natasha talks about bike riding and various charities and what Breyer is/was doing to help. 

On page 3 we have Letters to the Editor. 

On page 4 is another Breyerfest preview, including the legendary Merlin! He is/was a raffle model based on an entry in the Tricked Out Pony contest at Model Horse Collector's Jamboree. They were cast in resin instead of the usual plastic and are insanely rare and hard to find these days. I've also heard that some of them have had issues with leg warpage/breaking due to not having wire reinforcements in the legs. These are probably worth in the $20,000+ range now, so if you have one, hold on to it! Or don't, I guess. I had forgotten that Goffert also made his debut in 2005 - he's the raffle model hinted at next to Merlin. 

The Breyerfest preview continues on page 5, this time showing all of the special run line items for that year. This was back when they used to do a porcelain every year - I believe that ended after 2012 because the porcelains tended to sell poorly and/or end up broken. 

On page 6 is the first page of an article about Susan Harris and Anatomy in Motion. 

The Anatomy in Motion article concludes on page 7 and also shows photos of both sides of the Anatomy in Motion model. These models have had a lot of issues over the years due to the extensive decals on both sides of the model - they tend to lift and bubble up over time. 

On page 8 is an article about Argentine Criollos, featuring the new Criollo release on the Ranch Horse. 

On page 9 we have an article about sculptor Sommer Prosser! She's sculpted a lot of horses for Breyer over the years. 

After skipping an article about showing cats and dogs, contest results, Breyer jr. and Collector's Corner, on page 18 we have the reveal of the 2005 Collector's Choice! I wish the Collector's Choice model would come back - I think I've mentioned this before, but it's worth repeating. 

On page 18 is the first part of an article about Devon 2005. The photo of Laura Chapot on Little Big Man is very reminiscent of this diorama Breyer commissioned for the 2010 WEG. 

After skipping a how-to article, on page 22 we have the first page of a judge's clinic featuring medieval settings. 

The judge's clinic concludes on page 23, along with the article about Sommer Prosser.

After skipping Horse Trader (mostly down to one page now), on page 25 is the rest of the Devon article and the announcement of another JAH cover contest! 

On page 26 is this week's Vintage Point featuring the Quarter Horse Yearling. 

Vintage Point concludes on page 27. 

On page 28 we have On the Trail with Breyer, featuring the Tour model, Tristan, on the Classic Shire A. Did I talk about this model in the last issue? I feel like I did. 

On the back cover is an advertisement for Dreamer, a horse movie I've still never seen. We'll hear a lot more about it in the next issue! Check back next week for Sept/Oct 2005. 

Friday, December 27, 2024

December 2024 Collector Club Newsletter and more reveals!

 Hark, readers! The December Collector Club Newsletter approaches! If you’re a Collector Club member, check your email for more. There’s a giveaway of a full set of 2023 Premier Club models, a preview of some of Breyer’s offerings for next year (all stuff we’ve seen except for the Western Horse, which we haven’t officially seen yet but was part of the leaks earlier this week), and this sneak peek:

The photo appears to be something mildly scandalous the new Longhorn Bull for 2025, according to Facebook. Speaking of the 2025 releases, word on the street is that Breyer has decreed that they not be released until Jan. 1. So presumably I’ll have a lot of things to talk about that day! Huzzah.

In other news, the gambler’s choice model for the 2025 Stablemates Club has been released! Say hello to Chickadee(s)!

The colors are nice, but I don’t collect the Dungaree mold, so this means I can get away with one Stablemates Club membership for yet another year! It’s a Christmas miracle. I was sure they’d pick something like mini Fireheart or Georg for next year, since they seem to be going all out for the 75th anniversary. 

In other other news, another silhouette has been revealed on the Breyerfest Blog!

Yay, the customized G2 Thoroughbred isn’t going to disappear into the ether, never to be seen again! I’m pretty sure this is another Stablemate single-day model. What are they even called now that single-day tickets aren’t a thing anymore? I don’t have my Breyerfest programs handy to check. Anyway, this is another one I’m going to have to pick up, so I’m 2 for 4 so far. Watch the next two turn out to also be things I want, to make up for not wanting any of them in 2024. Well, bring on the reveals!

Thursday, December 26, 2024

More exciting reveals!

Well, readers, the new year is approaching fast, and the reveals are coming fast and furious as Breyer tries to clear out the warehouse and sign people up for the clubs. Firstly, the annual Warehouse Sale is happening now, and there are some pretty good deals to be had if there’s any items from 2024 that you haven’t purchased yet. Collector Club members have some extra models to choose from, such as less-popular Premier Club releases, Collector Club special runs, leftover Deluxe Collector Club Stablemates and more. 

Secondly, there’s a full-body reveal of Cosimo, the Italian Stallion - and an unexpected surprise! 2025 Premier Club members will be able to choose between a matte and glossy finish for this release.

What a hunk! I like him a lot, which means it looks like I’ll have to get two Premier Club memberships for next year. Normally I wouldn’t, but I want both versions of Rowan anyway, so I’ll just have to find someone to buy two Winnifred’s and I’ll be set. I wouldn’t be surprised if they do something sneaky with the PC Stablemate for next year, too.I wouldn’t have thought Breyer would do two of these sort of releases in the same year, but don’t get used to it - I’m guessing this is a 75th Anniversary thing and we’ll be back to normal next year.

Lastly, we also got a tease of a Breyerfest Stablemate today! 

The year is almost over, and Breyer is teasing us with a few Breyerfest-related things! Or one, anyway. What could they be using Augustus for? Probably one of the single day/general admission Stablemates, since those tend to be the second things revealed, after the Celebration Model. Hopefully we get to find out what it is soon! I’m also waiting to find out what the gambler model will be for the 2025 Stablemates Club. I’m hoping we get to see that tomorrow, since the end of 2024 is creeping ever closer.

Monday, December 23, 2024

O, Tannenbaum…

 Wow! I actually guessed correctly on this year’s Christmas surprise! Maybe I’m not so bad at this after all. Emma just seemed like the most obvious choice, and, well…

Four new Emma models it is! I think I like the red one best, despite blue usually being my favorite color. Think the red could pass for a chestnut? I guess there wouldn’t be much point in trying, since Black-Eyed Susan exists. They’re all so nicely shaded, too. At first I wondered why they used the same mold for the Coal release, since Emma has already been done in matte black twice, but the description does say this Coal has purple highlights and eyes, and silver hooves along with a belly stamp, so it shouldn’t be too hard to tell her apart from the original Emma. 

I did end up ordering four of them (I misread the descriptions in my haste to order and thought there were more than three common colors), so I’m going to really hope I get at least one black one. My luck has to come in sometime, right? Good luck to everyone else ordering! 

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Another Stablemates Club reveal, Cosimo and Christmas surprise (oh my!)

 Well, it’s been a crazy weekend of reveals! Quite a lot of things have been revealed, actually - like next year’s regular run releases, but those will supposedly be officially revealed tomorrow, so I’m going to wait until then to talk about them. But in the meantime, we also got to see another 2025 Stablemates Club release! Say hello to Alana, who can be seen here. I’m not at home and my tablet isn’t cooperating, so you’ll have to view the links to see the models. Anyway, Alana is very promising! Another release I’ll have to join the club for. I love her turquoise braids! So that just means we have one more reveal to go - the gambler’s choice for next year. I’ll wait on joining until we see what that is. Hopefully it’s on a mold I don’t want so I can just get one membership like I’ve been doing for the past few years, but we’ll see.

We also got an unprecedented third Premier Club reveal! They teased a sketch of the model yesterday and then revealed a cropped photo today, which can be seen here. I definitely like what I see! But I do like a nice Roman nose on a horse, so it’s not surprising. I also like black horses! So he’s probably going to stay with me. Dare I hope we get to see the Stablemate next? Hahaha. I’ll hold out on joining until he very end of the year, just in case. I don’t think we should necessarily expect to get this many reveals next year, though - I suspect it’s a 75th Anniversary thing and we’ll be back to normal at the end of next year. I hope I’m wrong, though! It would be great to be able to see all the releases in advance every year.

Lastly, Breyer sent out an email today that this year’s Christmas surprise will be revealed tomorrow at 1pm EST! So I’ll have to haunt the Breyer website tomorrow to see what it is. My guess is some type of Fell Pony, but who knows. I think I guessed her last year and it turned out to be Huck. Guess we’ll find out tomorrow! Good luck to everyone! 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Featured JAH - 12/21/2024, May/June 2005

 Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured JAH! This week we're covering May/June 2005, so let's get started! 

On the cover, a beautiful palomino Morgan looks nothing like the Kennebec Count in the box. 

In the Editor's Desk, Natasha talks about the Middle Ages, relating to the upcoming Breyerfest 2005. 

On page 3 we have Letters to the Editor. 

On page 4 is the first page of an article about Morgans! 

The Morgan article concludes on page 5, along with an article about Kennebec Count and photo of his model. 

On page 6 is another Breyerfest 2005 preview, including reveals of the beautiful Gwendolyn and Arthur. 

The Breyerfest preview continues on page 7. 

After skipping a how-to article, on page 10 is the first page of an article about Breyer portrait horse Ideal! 

The Ideal article concludes on page 11. I was unable to find a date of death for Ideal, but he has to have passed on by now, considering he was born in 1985. Cripes, that means he was older than I am! 

On page 12 is the reveal of the first Connoisseur gambler's choice, Jokers Wild! While I kept subscribing to JAH until 2006 or so, I wasn't paying much attention to the hobby during my college years and thus, didn't enter for any of the Connoisseur releases. I probably should have tried for this one, though - imagine how exciting it was for whoever got those two Joker models! 

After skipping Breyer jr., an article about jousting, another how-to article, a judge's clinic, Horse Trader and a book review, on page 26 we have this week's Vintage Club featuring the G1 Drafter! 

The Vintage Point article concludes on page 27. 

On page 28 we have a listing of Breyer Fun Days from 2005, featuring that year's Tour Model, Tristan (the Tour Model has since been discontinued, along with the Breyer Tour). 

After skipping the Calendar of Events, on the back cover we have the beautiful Wapasha, the 2005 Mid-States special run. Mid-States special runs are also now a thing of the past, but we probably have enough other special runs to replace it. 

And that's it for this issue! Check back next week for July/Aug 2005! 

Friday, December 20, 2024

Courchevel and another Premier Club sneak peek!

 Good news, everyone! My Courchevel model arrived today! Behold:

He's definitely more purplish than the promo photos, but still not really that purplish, if that makes sense. They should have used color-shift paint on this one, honestly. 

Like many others, I didn't get the shipping notice for this guy until after he'd been delivered, but UPS MyChoice was still up-to-date, so I knew he was coming. Christmastime is always a busy time for Breyer, but lots of people have had issues with being shipped the wrong items or their orders taking a long time to ship - I don't remember it ever being this bad before. Maybe Breyer will finally give CCG the boot? I hope so. 

Quality-wise he's pretty nice, despite being wrapped in un-accordioned paper. Like come on, guys. How are they not getting that they have to stretch out the paper first? It's like popping bubbles on the bubble wrap. Get with the program already! 

The only flaw I noticed was a mangled back edge of his right ear, which must have happened during the production process as it's under the paint. Oh well. 

In other news, Breyer defied tradition and posted a preview sketch of the third Premier Club release for next year!

Looks like something Spanish? I generally like the Spanish horses, and/or a nice Roman nose, so I'm sure I'll like whatever this turns out to be. Dare I hope they show him to us? 

I'm sure I'll post again before or on Christmas, what with the inevitable Christmas Day surprise model (they must have decided to go back to revealing it on the actual day), but in case I don't - I hope everyone has a good Christmas!