Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Wow, Breyer is really upping the ante next year

 I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Breyer is coming out with so much cool stuff for next year, since it's the 75th Anniversary, after all. One can only wonder what they'll do in 25 years (if we're all still around by then) for the 100th Anniversary! But anyway. The optional release for next year's Stablemates Club was revealed today! Say hello to Harbinger! 

Harbinger of what, you may ask? Someone online joked that he's a harbinger of doom for our wallets, or something along those lines. It's great to see a Stablemate with actual, permanent wings! The only other Stablemate-sized Pegasus I remember is this one, and those wings are removable. So this is a bit of history in the making! And for some reason, although Harbinger is the wrong color, he makes me think of the TriStar pictures logo, so mine might end up being named TriStar...But anyway. We only have two reveals left for the club, so hopefully they get that wrapped up this week! 

1 comment:

  1. I don't remember, nor can I find, a previous Stablemate pegasus. The one I remember is Classic scale -- same pose -- and yes, its wings were detachable. Little Harbinger has the loveliest color and concept!
