Friday, January 31, 2025

It's time for another Collector Club newsletter!

 Well, it's that time again, folks - time for the January Collector Club newsletter! If you're a Collector Club member, check your email. The feature article is all about the Black Stallion series and Breyer's portrait models of them - huzzah! I was a huge Black Stallion fan as a young, horse-crazy kid. Still am, really - I still have my Black Stallion books. Reading through the article, I'm super-pleased to see them refer to said black stallion properly, as "the Black," rather than "The Black," which I see irritatingly often. 

As for the Black Stallion mold itself, I never thought it properly captured the Black's essence - the Classics mold is a lot closer. I suspect Chris Hess took a lot of inspiration from the original cover art for the book when sculpting the Classic, which makes one wonder where (if anywhere) he got his inspiration for the rather lackluster Traditional version. I think the Ruth Sanderson cover art captured the Black best - any of those poses would make great Breyer models. But that's just my opinion. 

Anyway, there's also a spotlight on sculptor Chris Hess, a Black Stallion giveaway, and this fuzzy sneak peek: 

Must be a new plush for St. Patrick's Day! 

In other news, the Breyerfest contests have been announced! Interestingly, the names of the Best Customs Contest prizes are in the official rules - the Traditional is "Szurkol" (which has a few different meanings in Hungarian, including cheering for something, crossing one's fingers, supporting something, etc) and the Stablemate is "Skål" (Swedish for "cheers"). Calling it now - Szurkol is a black or chestnut variation of Adonis (NOOOOO!!!!) and Skål is some type of Lyric? Hmm, I may need to think that one over a bit more. 

Thursday, January 30, 2025

The last Breyerfest Limited Edition, first Vintage Club release of the year and more!

 Wow, lots of things to post about today! Firstly: the last Breyerfest Limited Edition has been revealed. Say hello to Standing Ovation! 

Maybe it's an optical illusion from being turned into a crystal, but his eyes look super-big! Does the original Moody ASB have frog eyes? Dunno, but this guy definitely does! Nothing I need to buy, but he'll make a good addition to collectors' crystal collections (if you can get one that isn't broken). 

Secondly, the first Vintage Club release of the year has been revealed! I suspected we'd get a VC release this month since we usually get the first one in January. Anyway, say hello to Inferno! 

According to Breyer, this model is inspired by the horses in the Black Stallion series of books (right, because there were so many pinto horses in those books) and each Inferno model will be packaged with a copy of The Black Stallion's Blood Bay Colt. The blood bay colt's name was Bonfire, so Inferno is clearly an homage to that. It's just a bit weird that they would try to tie in a pinto horse to a series of books that doesn't feature a single pinto horse (that I remember), but I suppose a solid bay Black Stallion would have gotten complaints that it was too boring. Imagine if they'd put Bolero's paint job on him and called him Bonfire, though! I wouldn't buy it either way (sorry to the Black), but it would at least make more sense. Oh well. 

Lastly, volunteer information for Breyerfest 2025 is now available! Check it out here. Applications will be accepted between 2/1 and 3/10, so if you'd like to volunteer, get your application in! I'm not sure I'm going to apply this year as I'd like to try the Breyerfest show and you're less likely to be picked as a volunteer if you're showing. So we'll see! Good luck to everyone applying, though! 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Breyerfest plush and Prague selections!

 To my great shame, I forgot about the Prague selections going out yesterday - how embarrassing! Well, anyway, check your email to see if you were drawn for a Prague. I didn't enter, but congrats to all the winners! 

In other news, the Breyerfest plush was revealed today! Say hello to Party Pal! 

He'll have yellow and blue pom-pom party hat options - so I guess he'll come with two hats? Huh, I figured it would be a split or something. Oh well. Nothing I need, but he's cute! 

The blog says the final reveal will be made tomorrow, so presumably the only thing left to reveal is the crystal (unless they switched it out for something else, which seems unlikely). See you then! 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025


 Good news, readers! The Breyerfest online Stablemate, Shindig, was revealed on the blog today! Behold: 

It's another mini Georg! They're definitely getting their money's worth from that mold. What a pretty boy! Looks like I'll be ordering both of the online exclusives this year. The blog says they're doing a "cute" reveal tomorrow - I bet it's the plush! At least I hope it's the plush, and not something unexpected that I'll inevitably have to buy. Guess we'll find out tomorrow!

Monday, January 27, 2025

Hoopla indeed

 Greetings, readers! Well, we have our Monday Breyerfest reveal, and he's definitely ready to cause some Hoopla. Behold! 

He's the online-only Traditional! I wonder what the odds are that he ends up being a matte/glossy split? Pretty dang high, I'd imagine. And that would cause a ton of hoopla! 

We're getting another reveal tomorrow - hopefully it's the online Stablemate, but who knows. We still haven't seen the plush or the crystal, or anything else they're doing, so it could really be anything. See you tomorrow! 

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Featured JAH - 1/25/2025, Mar/Apr 2006

 Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured JAH! This week's issue is Mar/Apr 2006. We're definitely ready for some spring temperatures here, so let's get going! 

On the front cover, two offspring of Chubasco (CH Sprinkles in the foreground, who later got her own Breyer model, and Thunder Country) are their pretty selves. 

In the Editor's Desk, Stephanie talks about various horse-related topics and things to be featured in the magazine. There's also a sneak peek of the G3 Andalusian, a preview of the upcoming line of G3 Stablemates! 

On page 3 we have Letters to the Editor. 


The Chubasco and Caravelle article starts on page 4, featuring a photo of the new set. 

The Chubasco/Caravelle article concludes on page 5. 

On page 6 we have photos of some new racehorse portraits, including Sunday Silence and Spectacular Bid...

....and Forego and Afleet Alex on page 7. 

On page 8 we have the first page of an article about Breyer mini portrait horses LTD's Red Cloud and Magic Man's Grand Slam. 

The mini article concludes on page 9, along with a reveal of their portrait models. 

On page 10 we find the first page of an article about the UK Model Equine Championships. It looks like this show still exists as the British Model Equine Championships? It looks to be the UK equivalent of NAMHSA/NAN. 

The UK Model Equine Championships article concludes on page 11. 

On page 12 is the debut of the beautiful Shenanigans! I should really get mine out and show him soon. 

After skipping Breyer jr., on page 18 we have a Breyerfest update! Specials runs Carnivale and Ringmaster are revealed, along with the mini Jade as part of the Three-Ring Circus set. 

On page 19 we have the reveal of the first collector to acquire all four Lady Phase TH horses and claim the prize, the wedgewood blue original tail Lady Phase! 

After skipping a how-to article, a Civil War horses article, Horse Trader (less than one page now) and Breyer job listings, on page 26 we have the first page of this week's Vintage Point article, featuring the Classic Quarter Horse Family! 

The Vintage Point article wraps up on page 27. 

After skipping On the Trail with Breyer and the Calendar of Events, on the back cover we have the reveal of the new Ruffian mold! I'm a little sad that I sold off most of my Ruffians - oh well. And with that, we've reached the end of this week's issue! Check back next week for May/June 2006. 

Friday, January 24, 2025

Last special run reveal and Exotic Destinations!

 Greetings, readers! Well, the last Breyerfest special run for 2025 has been revealed - behold!

It’s a collie! Nice color, but nothing I need. The bandana is a nice touch. I thought I’d read that the Collie mold was damaged beyond repair, so they must have fixed it for this release. Maybe it’ll get another one in the near future. Holiday animal micro run, maybe?

As for Breyerfest, this may be the last special run, but there should still be a few more Limited Editions coming. The blog says to check back on Monday, so I wonder what we’ll see?

In other news, the Exotic Destinations web specials will continue for another year! We got the first web special reveal of the year today: Prague!

Nothing I need, but he sure is pretty. He’s a run of 600, so they must be adjusting the numbers back downward after going a little too high with some of them last year. Good luck to everyone entering!

Thursday, January 23, 2025

He's Gotta Wear Shades

 Good news, everyone! The next Breyerfest reveal was today after all! Say hello to Future is Bright! 

So Bandalero has a loose mane after all! That's not really a surprise. He's definitely prettier with a mane, but still nothing I need. His color reminds me of Chanel, though I guess it's not quite the same. Oh well. 

Happily, tomorrow we get the final special run reveal! It should be the animal, so now I guess we get to speculate on what it could be? A bull? A dog? Something else? Guess we'll find out tomorrow! 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Old Timer makes his triumphant return!

 Good news, readers! We got another Breyerfest reveal today - behold! 

His name is Hats Off to You. Nice color, but nothing I need. I was a little confused about why the blog talked so much about the Sherman Morgan when the model ended up being the Old Timer...I guess so he could give a figurative tip of the hat to Sherman Morgan? Well, they needed their vintage mold for the special run line-up and Sherman Morgan must not be quite old enough, so there you have it. 

And he comes with a party hat along with his regular (very dapper) hat! Huzzah! The party hat is a little too big, but it almost looks Photoshopped on, so maybe it'll look better in real life. 

The blog says we'll get another reveal (or whatever "more information" means) "later this week," so I'm going to guess Friday. See you then! 

Monday, January 20, 2025

I'm going to call mine You Only Live Twice

 Much excitement today, readers - we got TWO reveals! Okay, one of them wasn't really a reveal, but still. 

It's the theme for this year's surprise model! Cue the Fireheart predictions! He seems to be the front-runner at the moment, like he'll be every year until they use him. Perish the thought! I saw a reasonably thoughtful suggestion that it could be Bristol, since he's literally overcoming an obstacle by jumping over it (but you could make the argument that Fireheart is overcoming obstacles by stomping them, so who knows). There aren't really any molds standing out in my mind as likely contenders, so any of these guesses could work. Maybe Georg (please no). Who knows. 

Today's second reveal was another special run! Say hello to YOLO (You Only Live Once):

Ooh, he's pretty! I have to have him for the conga! He must join his brothers! Incredibly, this is the first time we've seen a gray Brishen (his "Spanish" counterpart has been gray a couple of times, though). 

Happily, the blog says we're getting another reveal tomorrow! I can't wait! 

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Featured JAH - 1/18/2025, Jan/Feb 2006

 Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured JAH! This week we're starting a new year with Jan/Feb 2006 - fitting, given the date. Anyway, let's get started! 

On the front cover, Goffert struts his handsome stuff with Belinda Nairn-Wertman. 

On the inside cover, the beloved Goffert model makes his debut (with his stand artfully removed, naturally). 

In the Editor's Desk, Stephanie takes the reins once again, as Natasha's departure is announced at the bottom of the page. 

On page 3 we have Letters to the Editor, and a correction - apparently the Argentine Criollo article was repeated. I didn't even notice that - how embarrassing. It ran in the July/Aug 2005 issue and then in Nov/Dec 2005. I wonder what was supposed to go in its place?

On page 4 is the first page of the Goffert article, featuring a beautiful head shot of Goffert himself. I kind of want to get that framed and hang it up in my house somewhere! 

We find the Goffert article on page 5. Sadly, the real Goffert died of colic in 2007, a little more than a year after this article was published. 

On page 6 we find the first part of an article about Breyer portrait horse Jingles. 

The Jingles article concludes on page 7, including a reveal of the Jingles portrait model. I couldn't find an exact date of death for Jingles, but according to a post on Pegasus Therapeutic Riding's Facebook page, he had died by 2013 (not surprising, considering the JAH article describes him as an aged pony).

After skipping an article about parade tack and an ad for some Breyer books, on page 11 we find the debut of the Sidesaddle Horse and Rider gift set! 

This issue's Connoisseur model, Wanderlust, makes his debut on page 12. Despite his detailed paint job, he remains one of the lesser-desired Connoisseurs. Poor Cigar - his mold never seems to get any love anymore. Not even from me - I had a few Cigars, but sold them off for shelf space long ago. 

After skipping Breyer jr., on page 17 we have an account of one young collector's day spent with Goffert 369. 

After skipping Collector's Corner, on page 19 is an article about the 2006 Spring Collector's Choice model, Blue Suede Shoes! Definitely one of the better colors Breyer has done on Silver. I wish the Collector's Choice model could come back. 


On page 20, the very first Breyer Treasure Hunt is unveiled! 

Now-defunct, the Treasure Hunt was a mostly-fun addition to collecting. You simply had to buy the four models (sometimes easier said than done, as they were randomly-shipped), collect the UPC bar codes from each box, then send them in for the free bonus model. Or just buy the UPC codes and send those in for the free model (not that anyone ever did that). Or buy the models, then cut out the UPC codes and return the model to the store, still in the box! I never did this myself, but found one of said models at the store, missing its UPC code. Unfortunately, shenanigans like these, along with complaints about the "free" model, were what eventually did in the Treasure Hunts and led to their demise. Now we have to be content with the Mystery Foal Surprise sets.  

It's also vaguely humorous that Breyer states this is the last time Lady Phase will be available in her old configuration (due to the upcoming new tails), but nowadays they're still perfectly capable of using her old tail. Also, they could add two new tails for Lady Phase but apparently couldn't retool her face and ears to keep them from slowly disappearing? 

On page 22 is a judge's clinic about showing and judging fantasy models. We've come a long way since those days - at least now fantasy models can get collectibility NAN cards. 

The judge's clinic concludes on page 23. 

After skipping Horse Trader (back down to one page) and more discontinued 2005 models, on page 26 we have the first page of this week's Vintage Point: the Stock Horse Mare! 

The Vintage Point article concludes on page 27. 

After skipping On the Trail with Breyer and the Calendar of Events (yet again), we've reached the back cover of this week's magazine! Feast your eyes on the palomino Let's Go Riding Stock Horse Mare. The barn presumably is/was sold separately. 

And that brings us to the end of this week's issue! Check back next week for Mar/Apr 2006! 

Friday, January 17, 2025

Unexpected Bonus!

 Well, color me surprised - I didn’t think we’d get another Breyerfest reveal this week. But I was wrong! Say hello to this year’s Best of Breyerfest set!

They’re mini versions of various models from Breyerfest 2015! Huzzah! I only want the Fjord and the Saddlebred, but I suspect it won’t be hard to get rid of the other three. The mini (and full-size) Parfait models don’t quite look like they match the original one, but maybe it’s just the lighting. (And I briefly owned a Parfait, so I’m pretty sure I’m remembering his color being slightly lighter.) Still can’t get over the short front leg on that mini SCO, either.

It looks like we’re getting another reveal on Monday, despite the holiday! Can’t wait to see what it is!