Thursday, September 30, 2021

September Collector Club Newsletter and Tractor Supply news!

Well, it's the end of the month again, and you know what that means - a new Collector Club newsletter! If you're in the club, check your email to read more. There's an Avatar's Jazzman giveaway (and the Morgan article says Troubadour will be a RR for 2022!), an update on Lafayette backorders and Astrid (stuck in shipping - no surprise, but thanks for the update), and this tantalizing sneak peek...

That's definitely a Susecion, and it looks pearly and white or blue, to boot? Could we finally be getting the holiday (unicorn?) Susecion and Le Fire set I've been asking for for the last few years? I'm going to have to watch the website like a hawk this month so I don't miss out! 

In other news, some of the Tractor Supply stuff is starting to come in stock in various places. The Indian Pony Sayan can now be ordered on the website, but there's a discrepancy there - the website shows Sayan as Sayen, a chestnut - but the ones we've seen on the planograms and the few that have been found in stores are bays named Sayan. So are there two, and the IP collectors will have to track down both? Maybe orders done over the internet will only be the chestnut Sayen models? Interesting stuff.

Also, if you search for Breyer on the TSC website, this banner comes up when scrolling down the page of results:

That's the Ethereal, Wilder! Wow, he looks really nice in that color. I hope our local TSC gets them in stock soon. The Toy Shop is accessible now (most of the links were dead yesterday when I looked at it), but none of the TSC exclusives have listings yet except for Sayan/Sayen. I hope they come up soon so I can order a Wilder! 

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