Friday, May 3, 2024

Wallowa, and Spokes and Spurs

 Greetings, readers! Wow, it's been a while since I last posted. Oh well - there just hasn't been much to post about lately. Firstly, my Wallowa has arrived: 

He's glossy! And has decent ears, unlike many of them out there. I'm a bit surprised that I managed to get a glossy one. I suppose not wanting to keep it means I'll get the finish that's more sought-after in the long run...but anyways. Still hoping to sell this one, so I'm not taking him out of his box just yet. 

Also, there's a new plush out! Behold: 

That is...almost eye-burningly colorful. Whew! Guess we won't have any trouble spotting him in a room, huh? Order him here, if you're so inclined. 

Lastly, the Spokes and Spurs collector event is happening this weekend! I hope all the attendees have a great time. It looks like things are getting started now - the special run models for the weekend have been revealed! Check them out. Photo borrowed from Facebook: 

I'm...actually really relieved for this reveal. I was sure there was going to be a micro run Othello in the mix, but instead I'm getting astoundingly lucky - the only model I need here is the Esprit! And with a run number of 96, I might actually be able to get one later on! 

Interesting that they're using poor underappreciated Sea Star with the Misty. I guess Stormy needed a break! The colors are nice on the rest of them, especially the Gem Twist. The Foundation Stallion looks vaguely like last year's Buggy on Django. 

That's all I have for now - let's hope we get some exciting news soon! I'm supposed to be getting my replacement Domingo soon, so hopefully I'll be able to post about him at some point. 

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Featured JAH - 4/27/2024, Nov/Dec 1999

 Hello and welcome to yet another edition of Featured Model! We've reached the end of another year with this issue, Nov/Dec 1999, so let's get going! 

On the front cover, the Moody ASB (frequently referred to as the Clock Saddlebred due to this release) makes his debut. On the back cover we see an original clock horse and clock (the horse later to be released as the Western Horse). 

Normally I skip over the table of contents, but I had to follow up on my Sherman Morgan comments from last issue. See, this is his exciting return to the regular line! This particular model must have been a test they painted up before adding the new tail. I wonder whatever happened to this particular test model? I suppose we'll never know, unless someone spots it in the archive. 

In the Editor's Desk, Stephanie decorates with vaguely-familiar-looking holiday clipart and talks about Breyer's plans for the new millennium. On page 3 is Breyer's 50th anniversary article! They're a tad early with it, what with 2000 being the 50th anniversary, not the end of 1999...but maybe I'm nitpicking a tad too much. Uh...and I feel pretty old reading this "50th Anniversary" article, knowing that Breyer is now coming up on 75 years next year (gulp!). 

On page 4-5, the 50th anniversary article continues and then concludes. Huzzah! 

On page 6-7 we have the debut of the Damara Zebra! If only we could get an updated regular run Zebra! Maybe it's on the docket, considering they had to put the mold back into production for Breyerfest this year. 

On page 8-9, get your nostalgia going by reading about the debut of the first iteration of the Breyer website! That's right - along with the new millennium (well, slightly ahead of it) came Breyer's first foray into the World Wide Web. This early version of the website apparently didn't have a store (that came sometime in 2000, apparently). I had to smile at the part about "latest breaking news from Breyer will be posted to this section daily." Right, because Breyer has/had so much news that they'd have something new to post every day. Maybe I'm taking it too literally. They can't even post new things daily now! 

After skipping an article about model horse collecting on the Internet and a live show recap, on page 12 and 13 we have an article about Hambletonian, and the Hambletonian resin makes its debut! I'm still waiting for this guy to be produced in plastic - doesn't seem too likely to happen now that we have Constantia, but I can always dream. 

After skipping the 1999 Discontinued List and a photo show how-to, on page 18-19 we have an article about Breyer portrait horse (and Horse in American History) Little Sorrel. 

On the (unnumbered) pages 20-21, the Porcelain Carousel Horse makes its debut! I thought this model was pretty spectacular back in 2000, and kind of wanted one (though even then I had reservations about my ability to keep porcelain models unbroken). It would be cool to see this get some kind of rerelease - maybe for the 75th anniversary? Ooh, imagine the horse being black and gold! I bet this mold is collecting dust in a forgotten corner of the warehouse or something - how cool would it be if they used it again? They'd probably have to update it a little bit, what with the "Made in America" not really being a thing anymore...ahem. Anyway! 

After skipping a Know Your Breed and the Spruce Meadows Breyerwest results, on page 24 we have a couple of Collector Profiles, and on page 25 is an article about Breyer portrait horse Liberty, another new for 2000 release.

After skipping a Young Writer's Column about a fictional horse, on page 28 we have Blast From the Past featuring the Scratching Foal and Just About...Breyer Animals featuring the Cow Family. The first page of Horse Trader is on page 29 (cropped out). 

After skipping the rest of Horse Trader and some Breyer jr. stuff, on page 38 we find a Who Am I? featuring an Action Stock Horse Foal's tail, and a Cigar paint variation that's missing a sock. On page 39 is the first part of this week's Vintage Point featuring the Spanish Mustang/Buckshot! 

On page 40-41 is the rest of the Vintage Point. I desperately wanted a Strawberry Fizz when he was released in 1998 (can't remember if I mentioned that before) but never ended up getting one. He's still pretty now...but not enough to buy one. Oh well. We've reached the end of this week's issue, and we've completed another year as well! I'm burning through these magazines pretty fast, honestly. Well, check back next week for Jan/Feb 2000! We're into the new millennium! 

Friday, April 26, 2024

April Collector Club newsletter is here!

 Exciting news, readers - the April Collector Club newsletter is out in the wild! Check your email inbox for more. There’s an article about bloaties (I have to wonder if there’s a back story behind that bloated Celebration), a Chadwick giveaway, and this sneak peek:

What could it be? The next Destinations web special? Something in black pinto obviously, but it’s impossible to tell what it could be. Guess we’ll find out in a few weeks!

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Zayn is now available!

 Well, if you're looking to buy a Zayn, they're now up on the website and available to purchase! 

I put in the picture of the glossy bay one because it's the one I liked the best. As of now, they're still available to purchase, but I'd suggest not wasting any time buying if you want one, because it's anyone's guess how long they'll last. 

Also, what's with the new item numbers lately? B-CS-10011? What does that even mean? I feel like the prior numbering system was better...but what do I know? I'm just a collector. Domingo and a few other recent releases have the same weird item numbers too, so it's not just a one-off. Weird. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Someone's been listening to One Direction...

 Whoa, an unexpected new release! The Classic/Freedom Series gambler's choice release for the Collector Club is coming back - behold Zayn

Those colors are all really nice, and it's good to see the CAS get a new release, but they're nothing I need. They'll be available tomorrow around 1PM EST (if the website doesn't glitch out again). Happy buying! 

Dastardly Domingo Discord

 Well, as some of you may have seen on Blab, my Domingo model came in, and I was super excited to open it! He was a super-handsome model...until I checked out the other side and saw this. 

It may be a little hard to see, but there's an oval area on his neck where the paint is rubbed off. Next to it is an area where (and I was dumbfounded to discover this) the paint was so fragile that I could scrape it off with my fingernails with very little effort. I have never, ever seen this happen before - not that I intentionally try to scrape off models' paint, but I was trying to figure out if the scrapes were actually scrapes or something stuck to his neck, and it scratched right off. I'm...reasonably sure the paint is supposed to bond with the plastic so that doesn't happen? Right? 

I've seen reports of other people having issues with yellow spots on the side of the models, but I haven't seen anything about the paint scratching off super-easily. So maybe it's just something with my model specifically? Some type of mold release agent not being fully washed off the model and keeping the paint from adhering properly? Who knows. 

At any rate, Domingo is now on his way back to New Jersey. Let's hope the replacement is better! Hopefully sans yellow spot, as well. 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Featured JAH - 4/20/2024, Sept/Oct 1999

 Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured JAH! This week we'll be looking at the Sept/Oct 1999 issue. Let's get going! 

On the front cover, Molokai strikes a pose at Breyerfest 1999, presumably at the guest barns. On the back cover, Northumberland Flowergirl poses with fans, also at Breyerfest 1999. I'm not sure where this photo was taken - maybe on the roadway behind the Covered Arena that leads up to the Hall of Champions? I didn't start attending Breyerfest until 2012, so I'm not entirely sure where everything was located prior to that. 

In the Editor's Desk, Stephanie announces the winner of the World's Best School Horse contest and also announces the dates of Breyerfest 2000. On page 3 is a droolworthy assortment of 1999 Breyerfest Live Auction models. It's mildly amusing that a Sherman Morgan with the original tail was the highest-priced item, considering his lack of popularity now, but in 1999 the mold had been semi-retired due to the tail section of the mold becoming damaged. Later on in the year, we'll get the news of Shermie's exciting return to the regular line with a brand new tail! Huzzah! Other interesting auction models on this page: the semi-famous rainbow Huck (I believe he is still owned by the same person and pops up on the model horse show circuit regularly, though I could be wrong), the gold charm Zippo Pine Bar, the off-center Rose Grey Fighting Stallion and Zeppelin, the 1999 volunteer model (back when volunteer models commanded prices worthy of appearing in the live auction). 

On page 4-5 we have the Breyerfest recap! Feast your eyes on all things Breyerfest 1999.

After skipping the Breyerfest Live show results and also the NAN show results, on page 10 we find a list of 1999 Breyer fall tour stops and also the debut of Eclipse, the fall show special. I wanted this guy so badly in 1999! I never did get one, though. On page 11 is a cover contest for decorating the first JAH cover of 2000! There's also an announcement of the BreyerWest show at Spruce Meadows. Is this the first BreyerWest? I can't be bothered to look it up and be sure. 

On page 12-13 we have an article about Mario, the winner of the World's Best School Horse contest. 

On page 14-15 is the rest of the World's Best School Horse article. 

On page 16-17 is an article about Poco Lena, the subject of this porcelain sculpture. 

On page 19 (page 18, Collector Chat, cropped out), is a farewell article for Breyer portrait horse Niatross, who died on June 7, 1999. 

After skipping an article about cutting and cutting terms, a how-to article, a judge's clinic, Horse Trader and some Breyer jr. stuff, on page 38 we come to Blast From the Past (featuring the Black Beauty Family Set) and Just About...Breyer Animals! featuring the Spanish Fighting Bull. On page 39 is the first part of this week's Vintage Point, featuring the Grazing Foal! 

And on page 40-41 we have the rest of the Vintage Point article. The Grazing Foal had really not had a lot of releases prior to this article, had it? Little did Breyer know that the Cream and Cocoa set was on the horizon for 2009...and some say that set still haunts the NPOD at Breyerfest to this day! 

That's it for this issue - check back next week for Nov/Dec 1999!