Wednesday, January 3, 2024


 Well, we have our reveal, and I was totally wrong with my prediction yesterday. It's the Indian Pony! 

Her name is Can't Hold Us Down, which is apparently a Christina Aguilera song. I have to say, when I first heard about the "Against All Odds" theme, I thought it would know, stories about rare breeds surviving "against all odds," or horses/riders overcoming adversity to succeed, or those kinds of things. Not some generic "Girls Rule!, they're there I guess. Girls like horses, right?" sort of theme I'm getting from what we've seen so far. And I'm getting really annoyed by the song-lyrics-as-names thing. I mean, there's precedent for this, what with Breyerfest 2019 being an amalgam of at least three different themes, but come on! 

Anyway, the model is nice, if nothing I need. It's good to see another brindle color in mass production, though she's kinda only a partial brindle. Good to experiment with techniques, and all that. Just, can we get some less-cliche reveals now? Maybe I'm just being crotchety again. I'm not going to declare Breyerfest ruined just yet, since this is only the third reveal we've had so far, but...I don't know if I like where this is going. 


  1. I agree with your opinion on song titles. I thought this event was supposed to be about horses, not pop stars? Breyer's probably just trying to pull in all the Taylor Swift fanatics or something. Also I just want to say, where is the 2024 Regular Run line up? Stop releasing the special BF stuff, I want to see the normal stuff that I can buy this year!
