Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Dundee and Raleigh are here!

Good news, everyone! My Dundee and Raleigh models arrived a day early! I was pretty bummed last week when I saw the delivery date was Wednesday, so when I got an email yesterday about the delivery date being moved up, I was ecstatic! Okay, I know one day doesn't make that much of a difference, but still.

I'll start with Raleigh since I didn't take as many photos of him. Behold!

I'm going to sell him, so I didn't take him out of his box. From what I could see, though, he didn't have a lot of flaws.

Some of the ones I've seen online had horribly overdone eyewhites covering half their eyes (or so it looked), but that didn't happen with this guy, fortunately. His ribbons appear to be neatly painted, too.

Like I said, I didn't see many other issues with this model - maybe a gloss flaw or lint in the gloss here and there, but nothing major. Plus, he's wired into the box much more securely than Aidan was! No box rubs here (hopefully!).

Next, here are some (not-the-best) photos of Dundee!

I have to say, this guy really grew on me. Normally I'm not into stock molds, but Breyer got me again! He'll have to go on the shelf next to Geronimo, I guess. Hey, Geronimo was sculpted by Kitty Cantrell too. Maybe there's a pattern there...

But anyway, it wasn't really much of a contest about where my Dundee was going to end up - he went onto my new arrivals shelf (rather than into the sales pile) almost immediately. I can't wait to see what colors they put on him next!

I've seen some really unsubtle leg bars on some of these, so I was happy to see mine's are blended in a bit more and less noticeable. Some of the ones I've seen online look like some kid got Sharpie-happy on the model's legs! Definitely a relief.

I also really liked how detailed the eyes are...

...although I wish Breyer would do away with the bloodshot pink eyewhites. Enough already!

He's okay quality-wise, but not perfect. He has tiny eartip rubs and that mane really could have been masked off better. He did have a lump on the edge of one of his pinto markings, but that turned out to be a little piece of masking that didn't get removed. It came off easily with a little fingernail scraping (and made me wish there was more! What can I say? I love scratch art).

The thing I was least impressed with, though, was this:

Seriously? That dorsal stripe looks like a barbed wire fence. I'm guessing he's supposed to have extreme primitive marks there to go along with his many leg bars, but I've never seen extra stripes on a dorsal stripe. Usually they form a cross on the withers and that's it. So it looks a little goofy to me.

But I guess if I ever show him, I already have a name for him - Barbwire. Ha!

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