Saturday, April 20, 2024

Featured JAH - 4/20/2024, Sept/Oct 1999

 Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured JAH! This week we'll be looking at the Sept/Oct 1999 issue. Let's get going! 

On the front cover, Molokai strikes a pose at Breyerfest 1999, presumably at the guest barns. On the back cover, Northumberland Flowergirl poses with fans, also at Breyerfest 1999. I'm not sure where this photo was taken - maybe on the roadway behind the Covered Arena that leads up to the Hall of Champions? I didn't start attending Breyerfest until 2012, so I'm not entirely sure where everything was located prior to that. 

In the Editor's Desk, Stephanie announces the winner of the World's Best School Horse contest and also announces the dates of Breyerfest 2000. On page 3 is a droolworthy assortment of 1999 Breyerfest Live Auction models. It's mildly amusing that a Sherman Morgan with the original tail was the highest-priced item, considering his lack of popularity now, but in 1999 the mold had been semi-retired due to the tail section of the mold becoming damaged. Later on in the year, we'll get the news of Shermie's exciting return to the regular line with a brand new tail! Huzzah! Other interesting auction models on this page: the semi-famous rainbow Huck (I believe he is still owned by the same person and pops up on the model horse show circuit regularly, though I could be wrong), the gold charm Zippo Pine Bar, the off-center Rose Grey Fighting Stallion and Zeppelin, the 1999 volunteer model (back when volunteer models commanded prices worthy of appearing in the live auction). 

On page 4-5 we have the Breyerfest recap! Feast your eyes on all things Breyerfest 1999.

After skipping the Breyerfest Live show results and also the NAN show results, on page 10 we find a list of 1999 Breyer fall tour stops and also the debut of Eclipse, the fall show special. I wanted this guy so badly in 1999! I never did get one, though. On page 11 is a cover contest for decorating the first JAH cover of 2000! There's also an announcement of the BreyerWest show at Spruce Meadows. Is this the first BreyerWest? I can't be bothered to look it up and be sure. 

On page 12-13 we have an article about Mario, the winner of the World's Best School Horse contest. 

On page 14-15 is the rest of the World's Best School Horse article. 

On page 16-17 is an article about Poco Lena, the subject of this porcelain sculpture. 

On page 19 (page 18, Collector Chat, cropped out), is a farewell article for Breyer portrait horse Niatross, who died on June 7, 1999. 

After skipping an article about cutting and cutting terms, a how-to article, a judge's clinic, Horse Trader and some Breyer jr. stuff, on page 38 we come to Blast From the Past (featuring the Black Beauty Family Set) and Just About...Breyer Animals! featuring the Spanish Fighting Bull. On page 39 is the first part of this week's Vintage Point, featuring the Grazing Foal! 

And on page 40-41 we have the rest of the Vintage Point article. The Grazing Foal had really not had a lot of releases prior to this article, had it? Little did Breyer know that the Cream and Cocoa set was on the horizon for 2009...and some say that set still haunts the NPOD at Breyerfest to this day! 

That's it for this issue - check back next week for Nov/Dec 1999! 


  1. I would bet the rear cover photo was taken in that little quasi-parking lot on the arena end of the guest horse stables. Nowadays it's full of food vendors, port-a-pots, & tents, but it wasn't always.
