Lots of announcements today - first off, today is the first day we can finally order our Fireheart models!
As you may have guessed from some of my earlier posts...it looks like my Fireheart is going to stay with me after all. Based on the photos of the production piece, plus the newly released photo of his auction model....well, yeah. The above photo didn't do him any favors for me, but the photos I've seen since then make it pretty clear he needs to stay here.
And as a bonus, apparently they are actually in stock now and able to ship! That's definitely good news.
Secondly, the print version of the Breyerfest program can now be
They're $5 each (seems a bit steep..) and ship for free as long as you order them by themselves with no other merchandise. You can only order one per transaction for some reason, so if you want more than one...you'll have to do a new order for each one, I guess. But at least we're getting a print one this year!
Lastly, the last six auction models have been unveiled! Behold:
Oh boy, this might be our sale-topper right here. As an aside, did I make any '80s hair band jokes when Fireheart was first released? I feel like I did, but if not...he definitely looks like something an '80s hair band could appreciate, am I right? Haha! That's a really nice color, too!
Wow, an Old Timer auction model! Too bad he looks...like an updated version of the Jake raffle model from 2002. At least the hat is a different color?
With the way these auction models are looking, the raffle models may end up being this year's "chump change" items, since they're runs of 26. But I digress.
Interesting color on this one - looks like something you'd see on a bull.
At first I thought this one was an extremely red chestnut, and didn't really like it. Then I realized it was supposed to be a decorator and warmed up to it a little...but only a little. Needs more paint for something that'll probably sell for $5,000 or more.
And here it is...the long-awaited Hamilton auction model! This guy might be the sale-topper, too. That's a beautiful color...and glossy! I can't wait to see how much these models all sell for so I can hide somewhere and cry die of jealousy plot world domination for plastic ponies rob a bank hide somewhere and cry.
That's all I've got for today! Can't believe we only have a little more than a week until Breyerfest!