Saturday, August 10, 2024

Featured JAH - 8/10/2024, Mar/Apr 2002

 Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured JAH! This week's issue is Mar/Apr 2002, so let's get started! 

On the front cover, a cute little girl poses with an equally cute little donkey and lots of flowers. On the back cover, Alida and Elidor make their debut, along with the Mystical Pegasus on the Classics Lipizzaner! 

In the Editor's Desk, Stephanie recaps the Breyer Premiere event and talks about other things going on in the world of Breyer. On page 3 is the reveal of the Spirit Collection, the many tie-in products Breyer produced for the the Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron movie. 

After skipping an ad for said Spirit movie, on page 6 is the reveal of the (still-insanely-popular) Susecion and Le Fire molds as their inaugural portrait models. On page 7 is Letters to the Editor. 

After skipping an article about materials selection for customizing and another article about Shetland Ponies, on page 14-15 we have an article about Miniature Sicilian Donkeys in conjunction with Breyer's new Miniature Sicilian Donkey mold. 

On page 16-17 is an article about tackmaker Cary Nelson. 

On page 18-19 is the conclusion of the Cary Nelson article. 

In this week's centerfold is the beautiful Shalimar! One of the best Connoisseur models, in my opinion. 

After skipping an article about western tackmaking and the rest of the Shetland Pony article, on page 26-27 we have some photos from the Breyer Premiere event. The event was Mardi Gras-themed and the centerpiece raffle model (now a staple at Breyer collector events) was a surprise to everyone involved. I wanted a Bourbon Street of my own really badly after I saw these photos! Guess I'm over him now, though. 

After skipping Artist's Eye, Horse Trader, the rest of the western tackmaking article, Breyer jr. and a listing of 2002 Breyer Tour events, on page 38 is a Collector's Corner, and on page 39 is the first page of this week's Vintage Point featuring Hobo. 

On page 40-IBC (?) is the rest of the Hobo article, as well as a sneak preview of Felicia Browell working on the Breyer Collector Guide. That brings us to the end of this week's issue! Check back next week for May/June 2002! 


  1. IBC means inside back cover. Thanks for these recaps! I'm always intrigued by what was included in any given JAH.

    1. Oh, duh. Guess I should have thought about it for more than a couple of seconds. Thanks for the heads up!
