Monday, January 15, 2024

Rolling my eyes some more

 Well, we have two exciting reveals today, readers! Well, one of them is pretty groan-inducing; the other one is exciting, though. Firstly, I'll start with the reveal of this year's surprise! Excuse me while I roll my eyes so hard they get stuck that way...

I suspect my soon-to-be-5-year-old daughter will love this theme. The rest of us, not so much...But anyway. According to the blog post, this is a mare mold, so what are the possibilities? Let's take a look at IDYB. Here's a list of molds I think are possible:

Hermosa (not popular enough?)
Bluegrass Bandit (another gaited mold?)
Croi (was volunteer model last year, but the same thing happened with Roxy)
Marabella (seems like a long shot)
Forever Saige
Yasmin (also seems like a long shot)
Firefly (too bleh?)
Strapless (already in the RR line?)
Weather Girl (the most stereotypical choice - please no!)
Wixom (too big?)

I wouldn't be too upset to see it be Forever Saige, simply because her sassy headset would go great with this theme (rolling my eyes again), but I'm leaning more toward Justadream, simply because of the wide variety of head/mane/tail/finish options. We're talking a mix-and-match of epic proportions, here. More importantly, she really hasn't been used for a wide variety of attainable releases. I think we can do away with the old "surprise mold never appears at the previous Breyerfest, not even in the live auction" rule now that it's been broken twice, and (other than last year) Justadream's last Breyerfest appearance was in 2016, so I think she'd make a good surprise. We'll have to see what else is revealed in the coming weeks! 

Speaking of other things being revealed, we also got to see another special run today! Meet Edge of Glory: 

Finally, a song I don't hate! I'm still not into the songs-as-names, though. But anyway - this guy is beautiful! He definitely just shot to the top of my (very short) list. Look at the details on him! He's like a cross between an old-style resist paint job and a new one with dapples! And I like the (almost) white mane and tail, too. I love him! Maybe I'll have to buy a VIP ticket after all...

That's it for today - I hope we get more reveals tomorrow! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I'm so disappointed in this theme. Girls rule the world? What about the boys that collect Breyers? If the roles were switched people would be freaking out. And all the song names? Kill me now. As if any of those singers need anymore recognition. Absolutely awful.
