Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Breyerfest crystal and Reyjkavik!

 Well, we got another Breyerfest reveal again today, readers - I'm really surprised it wasn't another sneak peek! I suppose we'll get two of them tomorrow or Friday and then have to wait all weekend to see what they are. Anyway, here's this year's crystal model! 

It's the Fighting Stallion! I wasn't expecting him to become a crystal, but he fits. Nothing I need, but there are a lot of fighter enthusiasts out there who'll be happy to add a crystal one to their collections! 

In other news, the Reyjkavic drawing happened today! Is it okay if I call him Rey instead? That name is really hard to type quickly. Anyway, none of my accounts were drawn for him...but my husband's was! Woohoo! The Falhofnir conga remains mostly complete - some small comfort after not being drawn for Spokes and Spurs. I can't wait for him to get here! Congrats to all the other winners out there! 

1 comment:

  1. The crystal Fighting Stallion will be one for me! He was my favorite as a child.
