Friday, November 3, 2023

Nimbus is here! Also this year's JAH!

 Good news, everyone! My Nimbus came today - behold! 

What a pretty guy! His shade of blue looks a bit like cotton candy, although the gold mane and tail (and glitter) take away from that a bit.

I like how the blue of the mane and tail fade into gold. It might just be overspray but it looks intentional to me. Very pretty! Personally, I'd have skipped the mane and tail glitter, but that might just be me. 

Quality-wise he's pretty good - I didn't see any flaws. His eyes are even painted neatly! That doesn't always happen these days. 

Lastly, my JAH is already here! Seems like it used to take a lot longer for things to get here - I could get used to this. 

There are nice articles about Cody's Wish, Kylee Parks and more, but not really anything we hadn't already seen - I was hoping for at least one new reveal, but no luck. However, I did spot something interesting - the distribution of Tuxedo variations is not what I'd assumed it to be. In a run of 1,000, I thought it would be a (somewhat) even split of 333 each (with one remaining, which could explain the solid black Tuxedo with a star that popped up on Blab recently), but it turns out the solid black is a run of 100 and the other two are each runs of 450. Interesting...let's hope it's not a trend. 

That's it for today - I hope we get some more exciting reveals next week! 

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