The special run for next year's Kid's Club is what looks like a light gray Classic Ruffian! She looks similar to the gray Ruffian that was a WEG special run for 2014, but lighter. Interesting! This would only be the third time Ruffian has been issued in gray (the first being a gray blanket Appaloosa version in the '90s).
Other than that, there isn't much exciting in the catalog, although I was pleased to see a little diversity amongst the catalog models, and even a boy or two! It really irritates me when Breyer describes its products as being for "horse-crazy girls" because...love of horses isn't (and shouldn't) be a girls-only club. Now, if we could get even more diversity in there, and more boys, and if the photographer would tell the kids to actually play with the models and/or look natural instead of holding them with a pasted-on smile, we'd really be getting somewhere.
Also, the "illusive" typo regarding Xavier got into the catalog, too. Somebody fix that, please!
Alas, that's all I have for today. Hopefully I have something new and exciting to post about later this week, but until then, Happy Thanksgiving to all!
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