Thursday, August 1, 2024

Llywellyn is here!

 Good news, readers! My Llywellyn is here! And by some miracle, I think I've finally managed to learn how to spell his name. Huzzah! 

Full disclosure: I took photos of this guy in the Collector Club tent for Breyerfest Closeups, but my actual copy arrived before I got to the Collector Club one, so that post got put on ice. Whoops! 

I really like that shade of buckskin. 

He still has that goofy look to him, but I think I like him.

Quality-wise he's pretty nice - he has a few shiny marks, but otherwise looks pretty good. I'll have to enter him in a live show and see how he does! Along with 20 others, of course. 

The packaging got a redesign, which does a nice job of making the model look attractive, and the bags are now a grayish color with navy blue ribbons and embroidery. Very nice! I can't quite say the same for the COA, which I didn't get a photo of - they managed to put the Premier Club 2024 logo on it in two different places, but the actual copy for the release says 2023. Oops! 

Side note: I wanted to get some photos of Tigerlily and Firestorm for Breyerfest Closeups, but they were being featured in the broadcast tent at the time, so I couldn't get the photos. Oh well. Check back again soon for more exciting Breyer news! 

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