Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Basking in the Glow

 Greetings, readers! Well, it seems we've entered a bit of a dry spell news-wise over the last few days. Not much new to post about, except for a couple small tidbits. First, it turns out a goodly number of this year's Breyerfest models glow in the dark. The jury's still out on whether this was intentional or not. So you might want to check any and all Breyerfest 2024 models in your collection to see if they glow. I checked all 11 of my Athenas and was disappointed to see none of them glow - I'd really like to get those extra 10 sold off. Most of my other Breyerfest models didn't glow, but Blue Zeus does! As well as Llywellyn for some reason. I'm not sure if this affects their value much (if at all), but it's a neat little feature, if nothing else. 

Secondly, I was checking back through photos from this past Breyerfest (less than a month ago, but it feels like way more than that - what IS time??), and discovered something I'd forgotten about! My Survivor has a variation! Behold: 

She's missing the black spot on her muzzle. I'm not crazy about spots on muzzles anyway, so this is a win-win for me! Huzzah! Here's what she's supposed to look like: 

So that was an exciting little tidbit to discover. Let's hope we get some new news soon! 


  1. The appearance of glow in 2024 does not explain why my 2020 Eclipse glows. I checked my Emersons, and there it was.

    1. Glowing plastic seems to occasionally get mixed into the regular plastic. I have a TSC Stella from a few years ago that faintly glows.
