Saturday, August 24, 2024

Featured JAH - 8/24/2024, July/Aug 2002

 Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured JAH! This week's issue is July/Aug 2002. Perfect timing, since it's still August as of this writing. Let's get started! 

On the front cover, RSV Inolvidable is his handsome self. On the back cover, the Delivery Wagon with Clydesdale Team makes its debut! I don't think this release sold especially well at the time (maybe it did? Not sure), but they're in high demand now. They should come out with another one of these! 

In the Editor's Desk, Stephanie talks about War Emblem's near-miss in the Triple Crown that year and pumps us up for Breyerfest 2002. There's also a preview of the first Halloween horse, Nosferatu! On page 3 we see the porcelain Sir Buckingham, later to be released as a Classics model, and the porcelain Roy Rogers and Trigger set! You may recognize Trigger as the first Premier Club release, Desatado. Why don't we get these porcelain-to-plastic releases anymore? I guess the Premier Club made them obsolete. 

On page 4-5 we have an article about the Peruvian Paso breed. 

On page 6-7 is the rest of the Peruvian Paso article. 

After skipping a how-to article, a book review, Letters to the Editor and an article about AQHA, on on page 16-17 is another Breyerfest preview! This time featuring the handsome Saturday raffle model Gold Rush. I was really underwhelmed by this one when he was first released, but now I really want one. Funny how our tastes change over the years. 

On page 18-19 is more Breyerfest stuff, including WH Annie and the porcelain Stablemates. 

In this week's centerfold is the beautiful Molly Maguire! This is the only time (so far) we've seen Wixom with a roached mane. She's still pretty without it, though! I like the little Molly Maguires in the borders of the photo, too. 

On page 22-23 is an article about selecting the right model horses to bring to a show. I need to start working on my show string for my next show, so this is very relevant for me! And anyone else thinking about entering a model horse show. 

On page 24-25 is the rest of the model horse show article. 

On page 26-27 is another Breyer Scrapbook, featuring various Breyer Tour events that took place in 2002. 

After skipping Breyer jr., Horse Trader (down to 3 pages), a death notice for Seattle Slew (RIP), the rest of the AQHA article and a tackmaking article, on page 40-41 we have this week's Vintage Point featuring the G1 Native Dancer. 

And that brings us to the end of this week's issue! Check back next week for Sept/Oct 2002!

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