Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Ophelia and Brilliance set!

 Good news, everyone! My Ophelia and the Brilliance set came today! Behold:

Isn't she pretty? 

Bluegrass Bandit looks really nice in this color, though I can't help but wonder what she'd have looked like in gloss. 

Quality-wise she's pretty nice, other than this gnarly box rub on her hip. Le sigh. 

Next, here's the Brilliance set! 

I like the colors on all four of these, especially the holographic Fireheart. But it really irks me that the Othello, the DRAFT horse, is the smallest of the four! Why did they make him so smol? 

Seriously, he's pony-sized compared to the rest of them. 

Fortunately, they're all mostly nice in the quality department, except for this big gloss/paint flaw on the Fireheart's side. Le sigh, again. 

Oh well - at least they came earlier than I thought they would. And I've heard the Premier Club welcome letters are arriving at people's houses, so hopefully I can post about that soon as well! 

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