Hello and welcome to another edition of Featured JAH! We're covering the March/Apr 2007 issue, which is fitting for what month we're in, so let's get started!
On the front cover, a group of Nokota horses do their best to look pretty. I must not have had the gumption to remove the address label from this one, considering the damage it did to all my other issues.
In the Editor's Desk, Arlene sadly writes about Barbaro's death (he was put down on January 29, 2007), as well as previewing the magazine.
As usual, Letters to the Editor is on page 3.
On page 4 we have the announcement of the 2007 Picture Perfect contest!
I don't imagine those disposable cameras were all that great for taking model photos, but I could be wrong. I suppose it was probably a good way to get kids into photography, if nothing else.
The photo contest article concludes on page 6.
On page 7 is the reveal of Windtalker, the spring Collector's Choice model.
On page 8 is the first page of the article about Cefnoakpark Bouncer.
The Bouncer article concludes on page 9, along with a reveal of the new Bouncer model. Another super-popular Kathleen Moody sculpt! I wasn't able to find a date of death for Bouncer - he was foaled in 1996, which would have him turning 29 this year, so he might still be around.
The Nokota article starts on page 10. I had forgotten that Bouncer and the Nokota both debuted in the same year.
The Nokota article continues on page 11.
On page 12 is the sought-after Connoisseur Scallywag! This was the first time the Ruffian mold appeared as a gelding. I'm a little sad that I sold mine, but that's just how it goes, I guess.
After skipping a JAH model horse show, Pet Corner, Winner's Circle and the model horse show results, on page 17 we have an ad for BreyerWest and the reveal of the special run model Polaris!
On page 18 we have more winners of the Paint Your Dream Horse contest winners, with more familiar names!
There's a Breyerfest preview on page 19, featuring the early bird raffle and the now-sought-after special runs Heartland and Sundance.
After skipping a how-to article, we find the first page of a Pony Express article on page 22.
The Pony Express article concludes on page 23.
After skipping Horse Trader (3/4 of a page now) and a contest to spot the hidden Nokotas, on page 25 is another Breyer UK article.
This week's Vintage Point starts on page 26, featuring the G2 Clydesdale! Kind of funny that it had already had so many releases since 1998, and has been used approximately a billion times since then. It'd probably take a whole page of the magazine just to list all the different releases! Maybe give the poor guy a rest for a while?
The Vintage Point article concludes on page 27.
After skipping On the Trail with Breyer and the Calendar of Events, on the back cover is the western Let's Go Riding set, featuring the Ranch Horse! And that brings us to the end of this week's issue. Check back next week for May/June 2007!
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